9 months ago
11 changed files with 925 additions and 225 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ |
<template> |
<el-dialog class="partPackingDialog" :title="packingTitle" :visible.sync="packingVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" :modal-append-to-body="false" append-to-body :before-close="handleClose"> |
<div class="setting-dialog"> |
<div class="packing-head"> |
<div class="head-search"> |
<!-- 搜索 --> |
<el-input v-model="caseQuery[inputSelect]" clearable size="small" placeholder="请输入搜索关键字" style="width: 245px; margin-right: 10px;" class="input-prepend filter-item" @keyup.enter.native="getCaseList" @clear="clearTableData"> |
<el-select slot="prepend" v-model="inputSelect" style="width: 90px" @change="querySelect"> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in queryOption" |
:key="item.value" |
:label="item.label" |
:value="item.value" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-input> |
<el-button class="filter-item filter-search" size="mini" type="success" icon="el-icon-search" @click="getCaseList">搜索</el-button> |
<el-button class="filter-rfid" type="success" disabled><i class="iconfont icon-duqu" />读取</el-button> |
</div> |
<div class="selct-data-head"> |
<p v-if="selectedCategory.arrangeType === 1">数据来源:文件<span>{{ selections.length }}</span>条数据</p> |
<!-- totalSumAll --> |
<p v-else>数据来源:案卷<span>{{ selections.length }}</span>条数据 卷内<span>{{ totalSumAll }}</span>条数据</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<!-- 装盒 --> |
<el-table |
v-if="!isPackingOrPartType" |
ref="table" |
:data="tableData" |
style="min-width: 100%" |
height="calc(100vh - 382px)" |
> |
<el-table-column prop="create_date" label="操作" width="80" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button class="packing-handle-btn iconfont" @click="handleCartoning(scope.row)"><svg-icon icon-class="zhuanghe" class="svg-arc-style" />装盒</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="caseCode" label="盒号" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseName" label="盒名称" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="depositNum" label="已装" min-width="60" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="tid" label="TID" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="barcode" label="条形码" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseRetention" label="保管期限" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseClass" label="密级" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseFonds" label="全宗" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="category" label="所属门类" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="classify" label="所属分类" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
</el-table> |
<!-- 分卷 --> |
<div v-else class="part-packing-cont"> |
<div class="part-packing-item"> |
<h5 class="part-packing-title">盒列表-待选</h5> |
<el-table |
ref="table" |
class="custom-table" |
:data="tableData" |
style="width: 100%" |
height="calc(100vh/2 - 200px)" |
> |
<el-table-column prop="create_date" label="操作" width="80" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button class="packing-handle-btn iconfont" @click="handlePartParking(scope.row,scope.$index)"><svg-icon icon-class="zhuanghe" class="svg-arc-style" />装盒</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="caseCode" label="盒号" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseName" label="盒名称" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="depositNum" label="已装" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="tid" label="TID" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="barcode" label="条形码" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseRetention" label="保管期限" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseClass" label="密级" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseFonds" label="全宗" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="category" label="所属门类" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="classify" label="所属分类" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
<div class="part-packing-item"> |
<h5 class="part-packing-title">盒列表-已选</h5> |
<el-table |
ref="selectBox" |
class="custom-table" |
:data="selectTableData" |
height="calc(100vh/2 - 200px)" |
> |
<el-table-column prop="create_date" label="操作" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button class="packing-recall-btn iconfont" @click="cancelParking(scope.row,scope.$index)"><svg-icon icon-class="chehui" class="svg-arc-style" />撤销</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="caseCode" label="盒号" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseName" label="盒名称" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="depositNum" label="已装" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="tid" label="TID" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="barcode" label="条形码" min-width="120" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseRetention" label="保管期限" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseClass" label="密级" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="caseFonds" label="全宗" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="category" label="所属门类" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column prop="classify" label="所属分类" min-width="100" align="center" /> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
<div class="part-packing-item"> |
<h5 class="part-packing-title">档案列表-待选</h5> |
<el-table |
ref="archivesList" |
class="archives-table custom-table" |
:data="archivesTable" |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%;" |
height="calc(100vh/2 - 200px)" |
@selection-change="selectionChangeHandler" |
@row-click="clickRowHandler" |
> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column v-for="field in tableDisplayFields" :key="field.id" :label="field.fieldCnName" :align="field.displayformatType" :width="field.displayLength" show-overflow-tooltip> |
<template slot="header"> |
<el-tooltip |
class="item" |
effect="dark" |
:content="field.fieldCnName" |
placement="top-start" |
> |
<span>{{ field.fieldCnName }}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.row[field.fieldName] }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
<div class="part-packing-item"> |
<h5 class="part-packing-title">档案列表-已选</h5> |
<el-table |
ref="selectArchivesList" |
class="archives-table custom-table" |
:data="selectArchivesTable" |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%;" |
height="calc(100vh/2 - 200px)" |
> |
<el-table-column type="index" label="序号" width="55" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column v-for="field in tableDisplayFields" :key="field.id" :label="field.fieldCnName" :align="field.displayformatType" :width="field.displayLength" show-overflow-tooltip> |
<template slot="header"> |
<el-tooltip |
class="item" |
effect="dark" |
:content="field.fieldCnName" |
placement="top-start" |
> |
<span>{{ field.fieldCnName }}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.row[field.fieldName] }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isPackingOrPartType" slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button type="text">取消</el-button> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="handleComfireCartoning">确定</el-button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</el-dialog> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { FetchInitCartoningList, FetchCartoning } from '@/api/archivesKeeping/caseManage' |
import { FetchInitCategoryViewTable, FetchInitCategoryView } from '@/api/collect/collect' |
import { header, form } from '@crud/crud' |
export default { |
name: 'Packing', |
components: { }, |
inject: ['parentsData'], |
mixins: [ |
header(), |
form({}) |
], |
props: { |
selectedCategory: { |
type: Object, |
default: function() { |
return {} |
} |
}, |
selections: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => [] |
}, |
totalSumAll: { |
type: Number, |
default: 0 |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
currentSelections: [], |
arrySort: null, |
tableDisplayFields: [], |
packingTitle: '装盒', |
packingData: [], |
tableData: [], |
selectTableData: [], |
archivesTable: [], |
selectArchivesTable: [], |
tid: null, |
caseCode: null, |
barcode: null, |
caseQuery: {}, |
inputSelect: null, |
queryOption: [ |
{ value: 'caseCode', label: '盒号' }, |
{ value: 'tid', label: 'TID' }, |
{ value: 'barcode', label: '条形码' } |
], |
packingVisible: false, // 装盒 |
isPackingOrPartType: 0, |
packFileCategory: null |
} |
}, |
created() { |
// 初始化带select的输入框的 - 搜索 |
this.inputSelect = this.queryOption[0].value |
}, |
methods: { |
// 搜索-select |
querySelect(val) { |
this.inputSelect = val |
}, |
// 搜索盒列表 |
getCaseList() { |
if (!this.caseQuery[this.inputSelect]) { |
this.$message({ message: '请输入后再搜索!', type: 'error', offset: 8 }) |
return |
} |
switch (this.inputSelect) { |
case 'caseCode': |
this.caseCode = this.caseQuery[this.inputSelect] |
this.tid = null |
this.barcode = null |
break |
case 'tid': |
this.tid = this.caseQuery[this.inputSelect] |
this.caseCode = null |
this.barcode = null |
break |
case 'barcode': |
this.barcode = this.caseQuery[this.inputSelect] |
this.caseCode = null |
this.tid = null |
break |
} |
const params = { |
'tid': this.tid, |
'caseCode': this.caseCode, |
'barcode': this.barcode, |
'page': 0, |
'size': 10 |
} |
console.log(params) |
FetchInitCartoningList(params).then(res => { |
this.tableData = res.content |
}) |
}, |
async getPackingFileList() { |
const parentsId = this.selections[0].id |
const params = { |
'categoryId': this.selectedCategory.id, |
'categoryLevel': 3, |
'parentId': parentsId, |
'ignore': false, |
'isdel': false, |
'page': 0, |
'size': 100, |
'sort': this.arrySort, |
'queryType': null, |
'queryTitle': null, |
'itemNo': null, |
'archiveCtgNo': null, |
'responsibleby': null, |
'archiveNo': null, |
'archiveYear': null, |
'department': null, |
'retention': null, |
'securityClass': null, |
'organizationMatter': null |
} |
await FetchInitCategoryView(params).then(data => { |
if (data) { |
this.packingData = data.list.content |
this.archivesTable = data.list.content |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 装盒 api |
async handleCartoning(row) { |
let jnCategoryId |
let archivesParentsId |
if (this.selectedCategory.arrangeType === 1) { |
this.packingData = this.selections |
jnCategoryId = this.packFileCategory.id |
} else { |
await this.getPackingFileList() |
jnCategoryId = this.packFileCategory.id |
// if (this.selectedCategory.isType === 2) { |
// jnCategoryId = this.selectedCategory.children[0].children[0].id |
// } else { |
// jnCategoryId = this.selectedCategory.children[0].id |
// } |
archivesParentsId = this.selections[0].id |
} |
const arrParams = this.packingData.map(item => { |
const json = {} |
json.archivesId = item.id |
if (this.selectedCategory.arrangeType === 1) { |
json.archivesParentsId = item.id |
} else { |
json.archivesParentsId = archivesParentsId |
} |
json.caseId = row.id |
json.caseName = row.caseName |
json.categoryId = jnCategoryId |
return json |
}) |
console.log('ddddd', arrParams) |
await this.FetchCartioning(arrParams) |
}, |
FetchCartioning(arrParams) { |
FetchCartoning(arrParams).then(res => { |
this.$message({ message: '装盒成功!', type: 'success', offset: 8 }) |
this.packingVisible = false |
this.$emit('close-dialog') |
this.tableData = [] |
this.caseQuery[this.inputSelect] = '' |
}) |
}, |
// 分卷装盒 |
handlePartParking(row, index) { |
if (!this.currentSelections.length) { |
this.$message({ message: '请选择要装盒的档案!', type: 'error', offset: 8 }) |
return |
} |
// 分卷装盒存在未完成装盒操作,且某一个盒能一直搜索到,故添加到盒里时进行判断筛选 |
if (this.selectTableData.findIndex(val => val.id === row.id) === -1) { |
this.selectTableData.push(row) |
} |
this.tableData.splice(index, 1) |
this.currentSelections.forEach(item => { |
item.caseId = row.id |
item.caseName = row.caseName |
this.archivesTable.splice(this.archivesTable.findIndex(val => val.id === item.id), 1) |
this.selectArchivesTable.push(item) |
}) |
}, |
// 撤回装盒 |
cancelParking(row, index) { |
this.tableData.unshift(row) |
this.selectTableData.splice(index, 1) |
this.selectArchivesTable.forEach((item, i) => { |
if (item.caseId === row.id) { |
this.archivesTable.push(item) |
} |
}) |
this.selectArchivesTable.splice(this.selectArchivesTable.findIndex((item, i) => item.caseId === row.id), this.archivesTable.length) |
}, |
handleComfireCartoning() { |
if (this.archivesTable.length) { |
this.$message({ message: '左侧档案待选列表全部装盒完成才可保存', type: 'error', offset: 8 }) |
return |
} |
const jnCategoryId = this.packFileCategory.id |
const arrParams = this.selectArchivesTable.map(item => { |
const json = {} |
json.archivesId = item.id |
json.archivesParentsId = this.selections[0].id |
json.caseId = item.caseId |
json.caseName = item.caseName |
json.categoryId = jnCategoryId |
return json |
}) |
console.log('arrParams', arrParams) |
this.FetchCartioning(arrParams) |
}, |
clearTableData() { |
this.tableData = [] |
}, |
// table |
clickRowHandler(row) { |
this.$refs.archivesList.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
// table |
selectionChangeHandler(val) { |
this.currentSelections = val |
}, |
// dialog - close |
handleClose(done) { |
this.showCoverVisible = false |
this.$set(this.caseQuery, this.inputSelect, '') |
this.tableData = [] |
this.selectTableData = [] |
this.archivesTable = [] |
this.selectArchivesTable = [] |
done() |
}, |
getViewTable() { |
this.tableDisplayFields = [] |
FetchInitCategoryViewTable({ categoryId: this.selectedCategory.id, categoryLevel: 3 }).then((res) => { |
if (res) { |
this.arrySort = [] |
this.tableDisplayFields = res |
const orderSortArry = this.tableDisplayFields.filter(item => item.queue).sort((a, b) => a.queue - b.queue) |
orderSortArry.forEach(item => { |
if (item.displayOrderBy) { |
this.arrySort.push(item.fieldName + ',' + item.displayOrderBy) |
} |
}) |
this.getPackingFileList() |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.el-table .el-button{ |
padding: 0; |
} |
::v-deep .custom-table .el-table__body-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar { |
width: 5px !important; |
height: 5px !important; |
background-color: #DDE8FB !important; |
} |
::v-deep .custom-table .el-table__body-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { |
border-radius: 3px; |
background-color: #4578F6 !important; |
} |
::v-deep .custom-table .el-table__body-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { |
background-color: #4578F6 !important; |
} |
::v-deep .custom-table .el-table__body-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { |
background-color: #DDE8FB !important; |
} |
.filter-rfid{ |
margin-left: 10px !important; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue