3 months ago
1 changed files with 493 additions and 0 deletions
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function handleImageError(imgElement) { |
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function getBookList(dataBook){ |
var swiperHtml = ''; |
var processedBooks = 0; |
var promises = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < dataBook.length; i++) { |
let book = dataBook[i]; |
let places = book.books || book.Books || []; |
let placesHtml = places.map(function(place) { |
let noDataClass = ( place.placeName === null || place.PlaceName === null) ? 'no-data' : ''; |
return '<a class="' + noDataClass + '" href="javascript:;" data-id="'+ (place.barcode || place.Barcode) +'">' + ( ( place.placeName || place.PlaceName ) || '暂无架位信息') + '</a>'; |
}).join(''); |
(function(book) { |
promises.push($.ajax({ |
url: config.apiUrl+'/dxhtsg/getCoverByISBN', |
type: 'GET', |
data: { |
'isbn': book.isbn || book.Isbn |
}, |
success: function(res) { |
console.log('res',res) |
if (res) { |
book.cover = res; |
} |
swiperHtml += createBookHtml(book, placesHtml); |
processedBooks++; |
}, |
error: function(err) { |
console.error(err); |
} |
})); |
})(book); |
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swiper = new Swiper(".mySwiper", { |
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el: ".swiper-pagination", |
type: "fraction", |
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init: function () { |
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requestBookGist(this.slides[0].dataset.isbn); |
}, |
touchStart: function(swiper,event){ |
swiper.autoplay.stop(); |
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touchEnd: function(swiper,event){ |
swiper.autoplay.start(); |
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slideChangeTransitionStart: function () { |
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requestBookGist(currentBook); |
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var _thisNoData = $(this).hasClass('no-data') |
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swiper.autoplay.stop(); |
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swiper.autoplay.start(); |
}) |
}).catch(function(error) { |
console.error(error); |
}); |
function createBookHtml(book, placesHtml) { |
var imgClass = book.cover.includes('dxh') ? 'dxh-class' : ''; |
return '<div class="swiper-slide" data-isbn='+ (book.isbn || book.Isbn) +'>' + |
'<div class="book-wrapper">' + |
'<div class="book-info">' + |
'<div class="info-img">' + |
'<img src="' + book.cover + '" alt="" class="' + imgClass + '" onerror="handleImageError(this);" />' + |
'</div>' + |
'<div class="info-text">' + |
'<p>' + ( book.bookName || book.BookName ) + '</p>' + |
'<p><i>著者:</i><span>' + (book.author || book.Author || '-') + '</span></p>' + |
'<p><i>出版社:</i><span>' + (book.publish || book.Publish || '-') + '</span></p>' + |
'<p><i>ISBN:</i><span>' + (book.isbn || book.Isbn || '-') + '</span></p>' + |
'<p class="gist-content"><span>' + (book.gist || book.Gist || '-') + '</span></p>' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>' + |
'<div class="place-book">' + placesHtml + '</div>' + |
'</div>' + |
'</div>'; |
} |
// 通过barcode获取一本图书 {"barcode":"4201000201648913"} |
// 通过isbn获取第一本有简介的图书 {"isbn":"4201000201648913"} |
// 通过isbn获取图书集合 {"isbn":"4201000201648913"} |
// |
function requestBookGist(isbn) { |
if (isbn) { |
$.ajax({ |
url: config.apiUrl + '/dxhtsg/LibraryBookByISBN', |
type: 'POST', |
contentType:'application/json', |
dataType: "json", |
data: JSON.stringify({ |
'isbn': isbn |
}), |
success: function(res) { |
console.log(res) |
if(res.length !== 0){ |
updateGist(res[0].gist); |
}else{ |
updateGist(''); |
} |
}, |
error: function(err) { |
console.error(err); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
function updateGist(gist) { |
$('.gist-content span').text('') |
$('.gist-content span').text(gist); |
} |
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$('.layer-place2-box').show(); |
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// setTimeout(()=>{ |
// // 检测发送用户提问内容 |
// userQuestion('测试一下') |
// // 模拟机器人的回答 |
// setTimeout(function() { |
// talkIngToEnd() |
// var message = "所替代,万物复苏,生命在这个季节里得到了更新。在田野上,农民们忙碌地耕种,希望在秋天收获满满的果实。而在城市中,人们带着期待和希望迎接新的一年。孩子们在公园里欢笑玩耍,他们的笑声如同春天的风,温暖而清新。河边的柳树开始发芽,嫩绿的叶子在阳光下闪闪发光。花朵在春风的吹拂下慢慢绽放,她们像是一群群舞者,在舞台上展示着各自的美丽。春天是一首优美的诗,是一幅生动的画。它带给我们的不仅仅是美景,更是对生活的热爱和对未来的期待。让我们珍惜这个美丽的季节,感受大自然的魅力,享受生活的美好。" |
// digiPeopleReply(message) |
// getBookList(dataJson) |
// }, 4000); |
// $('.layer-help-box').hide(); |
// $('.layer-content').hide() |
// },4000) |
// }) |
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$('.layer-help-box').hide(); |
} |
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$('.talk-ing').html('<p><span>打断</span></p>').removeClass().addClass('talk-end'); |
} |
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$('.talk-end').html('<p><span>提问</span></p>').removeClass().addClass('nav-talk'); |
shouldStopTyping = true; // 设置变量,指示应该停止打字 |
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} |
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if (swiper) { |
swiper.destroy(); |
} |
$('.layer-help-box').hide(); |
$('.layer-content').hide(); |
$('.swiper-wrapper').html('') |
var $userMessageBox = $('<div class="chat-message user-message animate__animated animate__fadeInUp"></div>'); |
$userMessageBox.html( |
'<div class="message-content">' + |
'<img src="images/1080_4.png" alt="" class="message-avatar" />' + |
'<span class="message-text">' + message + '</span>' + |
'</div>' |
); |
// 将用户的消息添加到聊天容器的最顶部 |
$('.chat-container').prepend($userMessageBox); |
// 清空旧的消息,只保留最新的一条问答 |
$('.chat-container').children('.chat-message').slice(1).remove(); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
var $userMessageBox = $('.chat-container').children('.chat-message.user-message').last(); |
var $botMessageBox = $('<div class="chat-message ai-message animate__animated animate__fadeInUp"></div>'); |
$botMessageBox.html( |
'<div class="message-content">' + |
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'<span class="message-text" id="botReplyText"><img class="loading" src="images/loading.webp" alt="" /></span>' + |
'</div>' |
); |
$userMessageBox.after($botMessageBox); |
},1000) |
} |
// 数字人回答 |
function digiPeopleReply(message) { |
shouldStopTyping = false; |
setTimeout(function() { |
// 隐藏loading |
$('.ai-message').find('.loading').hide(); |
// 数字人回复逐字敲打出来 |
var index = 0; |
intervalText = setInterval(function() { |
if (!shouldStopTyping && index < message.length) { |
$('#botReplyText').text(message.substring(0, index + 1)); |
index++; |
$('#botReplyText').scrollTop($('#botReplyText')[0].scrollHeight); |
} else if (shouldStopTyping) { |
clearInterval(intervalText); // 停止打字动画 |
} |
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