大数据系统 单mysql服务器
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  1. spring:
  2. banner:
  3. charset: UTF-8
  4. http:
  5. encoding:
  6. enabled: true
  7. charset: UTF-8
  8. force: true
  9. swagger:
  10. enable: true
  11. messages:
  12. encoding: UTF-8
  13. #数据源配置
  14. datasource:
  15. mysql:
  16. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  17. jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
  18. username: root
  19. password: ftzn83560792
  20. jpa:
  21. show-sql: true
  22. open-in-view: true
  23. properties:
  24. hiberate: enable_lazy_load_no_trans:true
  25. mvc:
  26. view:
  27. prefix: /WEB-INF/jsp/
  28. suffix: .jsp
  29. view:
  30. suffix: .jsp
  31. prefix: /WEB-INF/jsp/
  32. #服务器配置
  33. server:
  34. port: 6066
  35. servlet:
  36. context-path: /
  37. tomcat:
  38. uri-encoding: UTF-8
  39. max-threads: 400
  40. accept-count: 1000
  41. max-connections: 20000
  42. min-spare-threads: 100
  43. max-http-post-size: -1
  44. connection-timeout: 180000
  45. mybatis:
  46. mapper-locations: classpath:com/yxk/**/*.xml
  47. logging:
  48. path: ./log #日志文件路径
  49. file: loggingout.log #日志文件名称
  50. myemployee:
  51. accessKey: O163SYV0P12215MLMZKO
  52. secretKey: fxF5oQQ5agjSdURu+vhpSuV9fszCPdFTrS4lV2wi
  53. linkurl:
  54. linkport: 9000
  55. custom:
  56. swagger-ui: true
  57. accessFile:
  58. resourceHandler: /downloadFile/**
  59. location: D:\yxk_App\file\
  60. qytsg:
  61. appid: wx5fc64e2af758fbc2
  62. appSecret: 6c6da25ced29f301f7175b22acf97fd9
  63. thirdUrl:
  64. thirdAppid: whfeitian
  65. thirdSecret: 1f4unqcgg9j0pvx54cwvillch5xto9e5