29 changed files with 7027 additions and 13 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import JSMpeg from './modules/jsmpeg' |
export default JSMpeg |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
import WebAudioOut from './webaudio' |
const AudioOutput = { |
WebAudio: WebAudioOut |
} |
export default AudioOutput |
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ |
import { Now } from '../../utils' |
export default class WebAudioOut { |
/** @type {AudioContext} */ |
context |
/** @type {GainNode} */ |
gain |
/** @type {GainNode} */ |
destination |
/** @type {number} */ |
startTime |
buffer |
/** @type {number} */ |
wallclockStartTime |
/** @type {number} */ |
volume |
/** @type {boolean} */ |
enabled |
/** @type {boolean} */ |
unlocked |
constructor(options) { |
this.context = WebAudioOut.CachedContext = |
WebAudioOut.CachedContext || |
new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)() |
this.gain = this.context.createGain() |
this.destination = this.gain |
// Keep track of the number of connections to this AudioContext, so we
// can safely close() it when we're the only one connected to it.
this.gain.connect(this.context.destination) |
this.context._connections = (this.context._connections || 0) + 1 |
this.startTime = 0 |
this.buffer = null |
this.wallclockStartTime = 0 |
this.volume = 1 |
this.enabled = true |
this.unlocked = !WebAudioOut.NeedsUnlocking() |
Object.defineProperty(this, 'enqueuedTime', { get: this.getEnqueuedTime }) |
} |
destroy() { |
this.gain.disconnect() |
this.context._connections-- |
if (this.context._connections === 0) { |
this.context.close() |
WebAudioOut.CachedContext = null |
} |
} |
play(sampleRate, left, right) { |
if (!this.enabled) { |
return |
} |
// If the context is not unlocked yet, we simply advance the start time
// to "fake" actually playing audio. This will keep the video in sync.
if (!this.unlocked) { |
const ts = Now() |
if (this.wallclockStartTime < ts) { |
this.wallclockStartTime = ts |
} |
this.wallclockStartTime += left.length / sampleRate |
return |
} |
this.gain.gain.value = this.volume |
const buffer = this.context.createBuffer(2, left.length, sampleRate) |
buffer.getChannelData(0).set(left) |
buffer.getChannelData(1).set(right) |
const source = this.context.createBufferSource() |
source.buffer = buffer |
source.connect(this.destination) |
const now = this.context.currentTime |
const duration = buffer.duration |
if (this.startTime < now) { |
this.startTime = now |
this.wallclockStartTime = Now() |
} |
source.start(this.startTime) |
this.startTime += duration |
this.wallclockStartTime += duration |
} |
stop() { |
// Meh; there seems to be no simple way to get a list of currently
// active source nodes from the Audio Context, and maintaining this
// list ourselfs would be a pain, so we just set the gain to 0
// to cut off all enqueued audio instantly.
this.gain.gain.value = 0 |
} |
getEnqueuedTime() { |
// The AudioContext.currentTime is only updated every so often, so if we
// want to get exact timing, we need to rely on the system time.
return Math.max(this.wallclockStartTime - Now(), 0) |
} |
resetEnqueuedTime() { |
this.startTime = this.context.currentTime |
this.wallclockStartTime = Now() |
} |
unlock(callback) { |
if (this.unlocked) { |
if (callback) { |
callback() |
} |
return |
} |
this.unlockCallback = callback |
// Create empty buffer and play it
const buffer = this.context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050) |
const source = this.context.createBufferSource() |
source.buffer = buffer |
source.connect(this.destination) |
source.start(0) |
setTimeout(this.checkIfUnlocked.bind(this, source, 0), 0) |
} |
checkIfUnlocked(source, attempt) { |
if ( |
source.playbackState === source.PLAYING_STATE || |
source.playbackState === source.FINISHED_STATE |
) { |
this.unlocked = true |
if (this.unlockCallback) { |
this.unlockCallback() |
this.unlockCallback = null |
} |
} else if (attempt < 10) { |
// Jeez, what a shit show. Thanks iOS!
setTimeout(this.checkIfUnlocked.bind(this, source, attempt + 1), 100) |
} |
} |
static NeedsUnlocking() { |
return /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent) |
} |
static IsSupported() { |
return window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext |
} |
static CachedContext = null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ |
/* eslint-disable */ |
'use strict' |
export default class BitBuffer { |
/** @type {Uint8Array} */ |
bytes |
/** @type {number} */ |
byteLength |
/** @type {1|2} */ |
mode |
/** @type {number} */ |
index |
constructor(bufferOrLength, mode = BitBuffer.MODE.EXPAND) { |
if (typeof bufferOrLength === 'object') { |
this.bytes = |
bufferOrLength instanceof Uint8Array |
? bufferOrLength |
: new Uint8Array(bufferOrLength) |
this.byteLength = this.bytes.length |
} else { |
this.bytes = new Uint8Array(bufferOrLength || 1024 * 1024) |
this.byteLength = 0 |
} |
this.mode = mode |
this.index = 0 |
} |
resize(size) { |
const newBytes = new Uint8Array(size) |
if (this.byteLength !== 0) { |
this.byteLength = Math.min(this.byteLength, size) |
newBytes.set(this.bytes, 0, this.byteLength) |
} |
this.bytes = newBytes |
this.index = Math.min(this.index, this.byteLength << 3) |
} |
evict(sizeNeeded) { |
const bytePos = this.index >> 3 |
const available = this.bytes.length - this.byteLength |
// If the current index is the write position, we can simply reset both
// to 0. Also reset (and throw away yet unread data) if we won't be able
// to fit the new data in even after a normal eviction.
if ( |
this.index === this.byteLength << 3 || |
sizeNeeded > available + bytePos // emergency evac
) { |
this.byteLength = 0 |
this.index = 0 |
return |
} else if (bytePos === 0) { |
// Nothing read yet - we can't evict anything
return |
} |
// Some browsers don't support copyWithin() yet - we may have to do
// it manually using set and a subarray
if (this.bytes.copyWithin) { |
this.bytes.copyWithin(0, bytePos, this.byteLength) |
} else { |
this.bytes.set(this.bytes.subarray(bytePos, this.byteLength)) |
} |
this.byteLength = this.byteLength - bytePos |
this.index -= bytePos << 3 |
return |
} |
write(buffers) { |
const isArrayOfBuffers = typeof buffers[0] === 'object' |
let totalLength = 0 |
const available = this.bytes.length - this.byteLength |
// Calculate total byte length
if (isArrayOfBuffers) { |
// let totalLength = 0
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { |
totalLength += buffers[i].byteLength |
} |
} else { |
totalLength = buffers.byteLength |
} |
// Do we need to resize or evict?
if (totalLength > available) { |
if (this.mode === BitBuffer.MODE.EXPAND) { |
const newSize = Math.max(this.bytes.length * 2, totalLength - available) |
this.resize(newSize) |
} else { |
this.evict(totalLength) |
} |
} |
if (isArrayOfBuffers) { |
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { |
this.appendSingleBuffer(buffers[i]) |
} |
} else { |
this.appendSingleBuffer(buffers) |
} |
return totalLength |
} |
appendSingleBuffer(buffer) { |
buffer = buffer instanceof Uint8Array ? buffer : new Uint8Array(buffer) |
this.bytes.set(buffer, this.byteLength) |
this.byteLength += buffer.length |
} |
findNextStartCode() { |
for (let i = (this.index + 7) >> 3; i < this.byteLength; i++) { |
if ( |
this.bytes[i] === 0x00 && |
this.bytes[i + 1] === 0x00 && |
this.bytes[i + 2] === 0x01 |
) { |
this.index = (i + 4) << 3 |
return this.bytes[i + 3] |
} |
} |
this.index = this.byteLength << 3 |
return -1 |
} |
findStartCode(code) { |
let current = 0 |
while (true) { |
current = this.findNextStartCode() |
if (current === code || current === -1) { |
return current |
} |
} |
return -1 |
} |
nextBytesAreStartCode() { |
const i = (this.index + 7) >> 3 |
return ( |
i >= this.byteLength || |
(this.bytes[i] === 0x00 && |
this.bytes[i + 1] === 0x00 && |
this.bytes[i + 2] === 0x01) |
) |
} |
peek(count) { |
let offset = this.index |
let value = 0 |
while (count) { |
const currentByte = this.bytes[offset >> 3] |
const remaining = 8 - (offset & 7) // remaining bits in byte
const read = remaining < count ? remaining : count // bits in this run
const shift = remaining - read |
const mask = 0xff >> (8 - read) |
value = (value << read) | ((currentByte & (mask << shift)) >> shift) |
offset += read |
count -= read |
} |
return value |
} |
read(count) { |
const value = this.peek(count) |
this.index += count |
return value |
} |
skip(count) { |
return (this.index += count) |
} |
rewind(count) { |
this.index = Math.max(this.index - count, 0) |
} |
has(count) { |
return (this.byteLength << 3) - this.index >= count |
} |
static MODE = { |
EVICT: 1, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
/* eslint-disable */ |
import WebAudioOut from '../audio-output/webaudio' |
import CanvasRenderer from '../renderer/canvas2d' |
import WebGLRenderer from '../renderer/webgl' |
export default class BaseDecoder { |
/** |
* @type {WebGLRenderer|CanvasRenderer|WebAudioOut} |
*/ |
destination |
constructor(options) { |
this.destination = null |
this.canPlay = false |
this.collectTimestamps = !options.streaming |
this.bytesWritten = 0 |
this.timestamps = [] |
this.timestampIndex = 0 |
this.startTime = 0 |
this.decodedTime = 0 |
Object.defineProperty(this, 'currentTime', { get: this.getCurrentTime }) |
} |
destroy() {} |
connect(destination) { |
this.destination = destination |
} |
bufferGetIndex() { |
return this.bits.index |
} |
bufferSetIndex(index) { |
this.bits.index = index |
} |
bufferWrite(buffers) { |
return this.bits.write(buffers) |
} |
write(pts, buffers) { |
if (this.collectTimestamps) { |
if (this.timestamps.length === 0) { |
this.startTime = pts |
this.decodedTime = pts |
} |
this.timestamps.push({ index: this.bytesWritten << 3, time: pts }) |
} |
this.bytesWritten += this.bufferWrite(buffers) |
this.canPlay = true |
} |
seek(time) { |
if (!this.collectTimestamps) { |
return |
} |
this.timestampIndex = 0 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.timestamps.length; i++) { |
if (this.timestamps[i].time > time) { |
break |
} |
this.timestampIndex = i |
} |
const ts = this.timestamps[this.timestampIndex] |
if (ts) { |
this.bufferSetIndex(ts.index) |
this.decodedTime = ts.time |
} else { |
this.bufferSetIndex(0) |
this.decodedTime = this.startTime |
} |
} |
decode() { |
this.advanceDecodedTime(0) |
} |
advanceDecodedTime(seconds) { |
if (this.collectTimestamps) { |
let newTimestampIndex = -1 |
const currentIndex = this.bufferGetIndex() |
for (let i = this.timestampIndex; i < this.timestamps.length; i++) { |
if (this.timestamps[i].index > currentIndex) { |
break |
} |
newTimestampIndex = i |
} |
// Did we find a new PTS, different from the last? If so, we don't have
// to advance the decoded time manually and can instead sync it exactly
// to the PTS.
if ( |
newTimestampIndex !== -1 && |
newTimestampIndex !== this.timestampIndex |
) { |
this.timestampIndex = newTimestampIndex |
this.decodedTime = this.timestamps[this.timestampIndex].time |
return |
} |
} |
this.decodedTime += seconds |
} |
getCurrentTime() { |
return this.decodedTime |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
import BaseDecoder from './decoder' |
import MPEG1 from './mpeg1' |
import MPEG1WASM from './mpeg1-wasm' |
import MP2 from './mp2' |
import MP2WASM from './mp2-wasm' |
const Decoder = { |
Base: BaseDecoder, |
MPEG1Video: MPEG1, |
MP2Audio: MP2, |
} |
export default Decoder |
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
import { Now } from '../../utils' |
import BitBuffer from '../buffer' |
import BaseDecoder from './decoder' |
export default class MP2WASM extends BaseDecoder { |
constructor(options) { |
super(options) |
this.onDecodeCallback = options.onAudioDecode |
this.module = options.wasmModule |
this.bufferSize = options.audioBufferSize || 128 * 1024 |
this.bufferMode = options.streaming |
? BitBuffer.MODE.EVICT |
: BitBuffer.MODE.EXPAND |
this.sampleRate = 0 |
} |
initializeWasmDecoder() { |
if (!this.module.instance) { |
console.warn('JSMpeg: WASM module not compiled yet') |
return |
} |
this.instance = this.module.instance |
this.functions = this.module.instance.exports |
this.decoder = this.functions._mp2_decoder_create( |
this.bufferSize, |
this.bufferMode |
) |
} |
destroy() { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return |
} |
this.functions._mp2_decoder_destroy(this.decoder) |
} |
bufferGetIndex() { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return |
} |
return this.functions._mp2_decoder_get_index(this.decoder) |
} |
bufferSetIndex(index) { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return |
} |
this.functions._mp2_decoder_set_index(this.decoder, index) |
} |
bufferWrite(buffers) { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
this.initializeWasmDecoder() |
} |
let totalLength = 0 |
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { |
totalLength += buffers[i].length |
} |
let ptr = this.functions._mp2_decoder_get_write_ptr( |
this.decoder, |
totalLength |
) |
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { |
this.instance.heapU8.set(buffers[i], ptr) |
ptr += buffers[i].length |
} |
this.functions._mp2_decoder_did_write(this.decoder, totalLength) |
return totalLength |
} |
decode() { |
const startTime = Now() |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return false |
} |
const decodedBytes = this.functions._mp2_decoder_decode(this.decoder) |
if (decodedBytes === 0) { |
return false |
} |
if (!this.sampleRate) { |
this.sampleRate = this.functions._mp2_decoder_get_sample_rate( |
this.decoder |
) |
} |
if (this.destination) { |
// Create a Float32 View into the modules output channel data
const leftPtr = this.functions._mp2_decoder_get_left_channel_ptr( |
this.decoder |
) |
const rightPtr = this.functions._mp2_decoder_get_right_channel_ptr( |
this.decoder |
) |
const leftOffset = leftPtr / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT |
const rightOffset = rightPtr / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT |
const left = this.instance.heapF32.subarray( |
leftOffset, |
) |
const right = this.instance.heapF32.subarray( |
rightOffset, |
) |
this.destination.play(this.sampleRate, left, right) |
} |
this.advanceDecodedTime(MP2WASM.SAMPLES_PER_FRAME / this.sampleRate) |
const elapsedTime = Now() - startTime |
if (this.onDecodeCallback) { |
this.onDecodeCallback(this, elapsedTime) |
} |
return true |
} |
getCurrentTime() { |
const enqueuedTime = this.destination ? this.destination.enqueuedTime : 0 |
return this.decodedTime - enqueuedTime |
} |
static SAMPLES_PER_FRAME = 1152 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,831 @@ |
'use strict' |
import { Fill, Now } from '../../utils' |
import BitBuffer from '../buffer' |
import BaseDecoder from './decoder' |
/** |
* Based on kjmp2 by Martin J. Fiedler |
* http://keyj.emphy.de/kjmp2/
*/ |
export default class MP2 extends BaseDecoder { |
constructor(options) { |
super(options) |
this.onDecodeCallback = options.onAudioDecode |
const bufferSize = options.audioBufferSize || 128 * 1024 |
const bufferMode = options.streaming |
? BitBuffer.MODE.EVICT |
: BitBuffer.MODE.EXPAND |
this.bits = new BitBuffer(bufferSize, bufferMode) |
this.left = new Float32Array(1152) |
this.right = new Float32Array(1152) |
this.sampleRate = 44100 |
this.D = new Float32Array(1024) |
this.D.set(MP2.SYNTHESIS_WINDOW, 0) |
this.D.set(MP2.SYNTHESIS_WINDOW, 512) |
this.V = [new Float32Array(1024), new Float32Array(1024)] |
this.U = new Int32Array(32) |
this.VPos = 0 |
this.allocation = [new Array(32), new Array(32)] |
this.scaleFactorInfo = [new Uint8Array(32), new Uint8Array(32)] |
this.scaleFactor = [new Array(32), new Array(32)] |
this.sample = [new Array(32), new Array(32)] |
for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) { |
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { |
this.scaleFactor[j][i] = [0, 0, 0] |
this.sample[j][i] = [0, 0, 0] |
} |
} |
} |
decode() { |
const startTime = Now() |
const pos = this.bits.index >> 3 |
if (pos >= this.bits.byteLength) { |
return false |
} |
const decoded = this.decodeFrame(this.left, this.right) |
this.bits.index = (pos + decoded) << 3 |
if (!decoded) { |
return false |
} |
if (this.destination) { |
this.destination.play(this.sampleRate, this.left, this.right) |
} |
this.advanceDecodedTime(this.left.length / this.sampleRate) |
const elapsedTime = Now() - startTime |
if (this.onDecodeCallback) { |
this.onDecodeCallback(this, elapsedTime) |
} |
return true |
} |
getCurrentTime() { |
const enqueuedTime = this.destination ? this.destination.enqueuedTime : 0 |
return this.decodedTime - enqueuedTime |
} |
decodeFrame(left, right) { |
// Check for valid header: syncword OK, MPEG-Audio Layer 2
const sync = this.bits.read(11) |
const version = this.bits.read(2) |
const layer = this.bits.read(2) |
const hasCRC = !this.bits.read(1) |
if ( |
sync !== MP2.FRAME_SYNC || |
version !== MP2.VERSION.MPEG_1 || |
layer !== MP2.LAYER.II |
) { |
return 0 // Invalid header or unsupported version
} |
let bitrateIndex = this.bits.read(4) - 1 |
if (bitrateIndex > 13) { |
return 0 // Invalid bit rate or 'free format'
} |
let sampleRateIndex = this.bits.read(2) |
let sampleRate = MP2.SAMPLE_RATE[sampleRateIndex] |
if (sampleRateIndex === 3) { |
return 0 // Invalid sample rate
} |
if (version === MP2.VERSION.MPEG_2) { |
sampleRateIndex += 4 |
bitrateIndex += 14 |
} |
const padding = this.bits.read(1) |
// const privat = this.bits.read(1)
const mode = this.bits.read(2) |
// Parse the mode_extension, set up the stereo bound
let bound = 0 |
if (mode === MP2.MODE.JOINT_STEREO) { |
bound = (this.bits.read(2) + 1) << 2 |
} else { |
this.bits.skip(2) |
bound = mode === MP2.MODE.MONO ? 0 : 32 |
} |
// Discard the last 4 bits of the header and the CRC value, if present
this.bits.skip(4) |
if (hasCRC) { |
this.bits.skip(16) |
} |
// Compute the frame size
sampleRate = MP2.SAMPLE_RATE[sampleRateIndex] |
const bitrate = MP2.BIT_RATE[bitrateIndex] |
const frameSize = ((144000 * bitrate) / sampleRate + padding) | 0 |
// Prepare the quantizer table lookups
let tab3 = 0 |
let sblimit = 0 |
if (version === MP2.VERSION.MPEG_2) { |
// MPEG-2 (LSR)
tab3 = 2 |
sblimit = 30 |
} else { |
// MPEG-1
const tab1 = mode === MP2.MODE.MONO ? 0 : 1 |
const tab2 = MP2.QUANT_LUT_STEP_1[tab1][bitrateIndex] |
tab3 = MP2.QUANT_LUT_STEP_2[tab2][sampleRateIndex] |
sblimit = tab3 & 63 |
tab3 >>= 6 |
} |
if (bound > sblimit) { |
bound = sblimit |
} |
// Read the allocation information
for (let sb = 0; sb < bound; sb++) { |
this.allocation[0][sb] = this.readAllocation(sb, tab3) |
this.allocation[1][sb] = this.readAllocation(sb, tab3) |
} |
for (let sb = bound; sb < sblimit; sb++) { |
this.allocation[0][sb] = this.allocation[1][sb] = this.readAllocation( |
sb, |
tab3 |
) |
} |
// Read scale factor selector information
const channels = mode === MP2.MODE.MONO ? 1 : 2 |
for (let sb = 0; sb < sblimit; sb++) { |
for (let ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) { |
if (this.allocation[ch][sb]) { |
this.scaleFactorInfo[ch][sb] = this.bits.read(2) |
} |
} |
if (mode === MP2.MODE.MONO) { |
this.scaleFactorInfo[1][sb] = this.scaleFactorInfo[0][sb] |
} |
} |
// Read scale factors
for (let sb = 0; sb < sblimit; sb++) { |
for (let ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) { |
if (this.allocation[ch][sb]) { |
const sf = this.scaleFactor[ch][sb] |
switch (this.scaleFactorInfo[ch][sb]) { |
case 0: |
sf[0] = this.bits.read(6) |
sf[1] = this.bits.read(6) |
sf[2] = this.bits.read(6) |
break |
case 1: |
sf[0] = sf[1] = this.bits.read(6) |
sf[2] = this.bits.read(6) |
break |
case 2: |
sf[0] = sf[1] = sf[2] = this.bits.read(6) |
break |
case 3: |
sf[0] = this.bits.read(6) |
sf[1] = sf[2] = this.bits.read(6) |
break |
} |
} |
} |
if (mode === MP2.MODE.MONO) { |
this.scaleFactor[1][sb][0] = this.scaleFactor[0][sb][0] |
this.scaleFactor[1][sb][1] = this.scaleFactor[0][sb][1] |
this.scaleFactor[1][sb][2] = this.scaleFactor[0][sb][2] |
} |
} |
// Coefficient input and reconstruction
let outPos = 0 |
for (let part = 0; part < 3; part++) { |
for (let granule = 0; granule < 4; granule++) { |
// Read the samples
for (let sb = 0; sb < bound; sb++) { |
this.readSamples(0, sb, part) |
this.readSamples(1, sb, part) |
} |
for (let sb = bound; sb < sblimit; sb++) { |
this.readSamples(0, sb, part) |
this.sample[1][sb][0] = this.sample[0][sb][0] |
this.sample[1][sb][1] = this.sample[0][sb][1] |
this.sample[1][sb][2] = this.sample[0][sb][2] |
} |
for (let sb = sblimit; sb < 32; sb++) { |
this.sample[0][sb][0] = 0 |
this.sample[0][sb][1] = 0 |
this.sample[0][sb][2] = 0 |
this.sample[1][sb][0] = 0 |
this.sample[1][sb][1] = 0 |
this.sample[1][sb][2] = 0 |
} |
// Synthesis loop
for (let p = 0; p < 3; p++) { |
// Shifting step
this.VPos = (this.VPos - 64) & 1023 |
for (let ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { |
MP2.MatrixTransform(this.sample[ch], p, this.V[ch], this.VPos) |
// Build U, windowing, calculate output
Fill(this.U, 0) |
let dIndex = 512 - (this.VPos >> 1) |
let vIndex = this.VPos % 128 >> 1 |
while (vIndex < 1024) { |
for (let i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { |
this.U[i] += this.D[dIndex++] * this.V[ch][vIndex++] |
} |
vIndex += 128 - 32 |
dIndex += 64 - 32 |
} |
vIndex = 128 - 32 + 1024 - vIndex |
dIndex -= 512 - 32 |
while (vIndex < 1024) { |
for (let i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { |
this.U[i] += this.D[dIndex++] * this.V[ch][vIndex++] |
} |
vIndex += 128 - 32 |
dIndex += 64 - 32 |
} |
// Output samples
const outChannel = ch === 0 ? left : right |
for (let j = 0; j < 32; j++) { |
outChannel[outPos + j] = this.U[j] / 2147418112 |
} |
} // End of synthesis channel loop
outPos += 32 |
} // End of synthesis sub-block loop
} // Decoding of the granule finished
} |
this.sampleRate = sampleRate |
return frameSize |
} |
readAllocation(sb, tab3) { |
const tab4 = MP2.QUANT_LUT_STEP_3[tab3][sb] |
const qtab = MP2.QUANT_LUT_STEP4[tab4 & 15][this.bits.read(tab4 >> 4)] |
return qtab ? MP2.QUANT_TAB[qtab - 1] : 0 |
} |
readSamples(ch, sb, part) { |
const q = this.allocation[ch][sb] |
let sf = this.scaleFactor[ch][sb][part] |
const sample = this.sample[ch][sb] |
let val = 0 |
if (!q) { |
// No bits allocated for this subband
sample[0] = sample[1] = sample[2] = 0 |
return |
} |
// Resolve scalefactor
if (sf === 63) { |
sf = 0 |
} else { |
const shift = (sf / 3) | 0 |
sf = (MP2.SCALEFACTOR_BASE[sf % 3] + ((1 << shift) >> 1)) >> shift |
} |
// Decode samples
let adj = q.levels |
if (q.group) { |
// Decode grouped samples
val = this.bits.read(q.bits) |
sample[0] = val % adj |
val = (val / adj) | 0 |
sample[1] = val % adj |
sample[2] = (val / adj) | 0 |
} else { |
// Decode direct samples
sample[0] = this.bits.read(q.bits) |
sample[1] = this.bits.read(q.bits) |
sample[2] = this.bits.read(q.bits) |
} |
// Postmultiply samples
const scale = (65536 / (adj + 1)) | 0 |
adj = ((adj + 1) >> 1) - 1 |
val = (adj - sample[0]) * scale |
sample[0] = (val * (sf >> 12) + ((val * (sf & 4095) + 2048) >> 12)) >> 12 |
val = (adj - sample[1]) * scale |
sample[1] = (val * (sf >> 12) + ((val * (sf & 4095) + 2048) >> 12)) >> 12 |
val = (adj - sample[2]) * scale |
sample[2] = (val * (sf >> 12) + ((val * (sf & 4095) + 2048) >> 12)) >> 12 |
} |
static MatrixTransform(s, ss, d, dp) { |
let t01, |
t02, |
t03, |
t04, |
t05, |
t06, |
t07, |
t08, |
t09, |
t10, |
t11, |
t12, |
t13, |
t14, |
t15, |
t16, |
t17, |
t18, |
t19, |
t20, |
t21, |
t22, |
t23, |
t24, |
t25, |
t26, |
t27, |
t28, |
t29, |
t30, |
t31, |
t32, |
t33 |
t01 = s[0][ss] + s[31][ss] |
t02 = (s[0][ss] - s[31][ss]) * 0.500602998235 |
t03 = s[1][ss] + s[30][ss] |
t04 = (s[1][ss] - s[30][ss]) * 0.505470959898 |
t05 = s[2][ss] + s[29][ss] |
t06 = (s[2][ss] - s[29][ss]) * 0.515447309923 |
t07 = s[3][ss] + s[28][ss] |
t08 = (s[3][ss] - s[28][ss]) * 0.53104259109 |
t09 = s[4][ss] + s[27][ss] |
t10 = (s[4][ss] - s[27][ss]) * 0.553103896034 |
t11 = s[5][ss] + s[26][ss] |
t12 = (s[5][ss] - s[26][ss]) * 0.582934968206 |
t13 = s[6][ss] + s[25][ss] |
t14 = (s[6][ss] - s[25][ss]) * 0.622504123036 |
t15 = s[7][ss] + s[24][ss] |
t16 = (s[7][ss] - s[24][ss]) * 0.674808341455 |
t17 = s[8][ss] + s[23][ss] |
t18 = (s[8][ss] - s[23][ss]) * 0.744536271002 |
t19 = s[9][ss] + s[22][ss] |
t20 = (s[9][ss] - s[22][ss]) * 0.839349645416 |
t21 = s[10][ss] + s[21][ss] |
t22 = (s[10][ss] - s[21][ss]) * 0.972568237862 |
t23 = s[11][ss] + s[20][ss] |
t24 = (s[11][ss] - s[20][ss]) * 1.16943993343 |
t25 = s[12][ss] + s[19][ss] |
t26 = (s[12][ss] - s[19][ss]) * 1.48416461631 |
t27 = s[13][ss] + s[18][ss] |
t28 = (s[13][ss] - s[18][ss]) * 2.05778100995 |
t29 = s[14][ss] + s[17][ss] |
t30 = (s[14][ss] - s[17][ss]) * 3.40760841847 |
t31 = s[15][ss] + s[16][ss] |
t32 = (s[15][ss] - s[16][ss]) * 10.1900081235 |
t33 = t01 + t31 |
t31 = (t01 - t31) * 0.502419286188 |
t01 = t03 + t29 |
t29 = (t03 - t29) * 0.52249861494 |
t03 = t05 + t27 |
t27 = (t05 - t27) * 0.566944034816 |
t05 = t07 + t25 |
t25 = (t07 - t25) * 0.64682178336 |
t07 = t09 + t23 |
t23 = (t09 - t23) * 0.788154623451 |
t09 = t11 + t21 |
t21 = (t11 - t21) * 1.06067768599 |
t11 = t13 + t19 |
t19 = (t13 - t19) * 1.72244709824 |
t13 = t15 + t17 |
t17 = (t15 - t17) * 5.10114861869 |
t15 = t33 + t13 |
t13 = (t33 - t13) * 0.509795579104 |
t33 = t01 + t11 |
t01 = (t01 - t11) * 0.601344886935 |
t11 = t03 + t09 |
t09 = (t03 - t09) * 0.899976223136 |
t03 = t05 + t07 |
t07 = (t05 - t07) * 2.56291544774 |
t05 = t15 + t03 |
t15 = (t15 - t03) * 0.541196100146 |
t03 = t33 + t11 |
t11 = (t33 - t11) * 1.30656296488 |
t33 = t05 + t03 |
t05 = (t05 - t03) * 0.707106781187 |
t03 = t15 + t11 |
t15 = (t15 - t11) * 0.707106781187 |
t03 += t15 |
t11 = t13 + t07 |
t13 = (t13 - t07) * 0.541196100146 |
t07 = t01 + t09 |
t09 = (t01 - t09) * 1.30656296488 |
t01 = t11 + t07 |
t07 = (t11 - t07) * 0.707106781187 |
t11 = t13 + t09 |
t13 = (t13 - t09) * 0.707106781187 |
t11 += t13 |
t01 += t11 |
t11 += t07 |
t07 += t13 |
t09 = t31 + t17 |
t31 = (t31 - t17) * 0.509795579104 |
t17 = t29 + t19 |
t29 = (t29 - t19) * 0.601344886935 |
t19 = t27 + t21 |
t21 = (t27 - t21) * 0.899976223136 |
t27 = t25 + t23 |
t23 = (t25 - t23) * 2.56291544774 |
t25 = t09 + t27 |
t09 = (t09 - t27) * 0.541196100146 |
t27 = t17 + t19 |
t19 = (t17 - t19) * 1.30656296488 |
t17 = t25 + t27 |
t27 = (t25 - t27) * 0.707106781187 |
t25 = t09 + t19 |
t19 = (t09 - t19) * 0.707106781187 |
t25 += t19 |
t09 = t31 + t23 |
t31 = (t31 - t23) * 0.541196100146 |
t23 = t29 + t21 |
t21 = (t29 - t21) * 1.30656296488 |
t29 = t09 + t23 |
t23 = (t09 - t23) * 0.707106781187 |
t09 = t31 + t21 |
t31 = (t31 - t21) * 0.707106781187 |
t09 += t31 |
t29 += t09 |
t09 += t23 |
t23 += t31 |
t17 += t29 |
t29 += t25 |
t25 += t09 |
t09 += t27 |
t27 += t23 |
t23 += t19 |
t19 += t31 |
t21 = t02 + t32 |
t02 = (t02 - t32) * 0.502419286188 |
t32 = t04 + t30 |
t04 = (t04 - t30) * 0.52249861494 |
t30 = t06 + t28 |
t28 = (t06 - t28) * 0.566944034816 |
t06 = t08 + t26 |
t08 = (t08 - t26) * 0.64682178336 |
t26 = t10 + t24 |
t10 = (t10 - t24) * 0.788154623451 |
t24 = t12 + t22 |
t22 = (t12 - t22) * 1.06067768599 |
t12 = t14 + t20 |
t20 = (t14 - t20) * 1.72244709824 |
t14 = t16 + t18 |
t16 = (t16 - t18) * 5.10114861869 |
t18 = t21 + t14 |
t14 = (t21 - t14) * 0.509795579104 |
t21 = t32 + t12 |
t32 = (t32 - t12) * 0.601344886935 |
t12 = t30 + t24 |
t24 = (t30 - t24) * 0.899976223136 |
t30 = t06 + t26 |
t26 = (t06 - t26) * 2.56291544774 |
t06 = t18 + t30 |
t18 = (t18 - t30) * 0.541196100146 |
t30 = t21 + t12 |
t12 = (t21 - t12) * 1.30656296488 |
t21 = t06 + t30 |
t30 = (t06 - t30) * 0.707106781187 |
t06 = t18 + t12 |
t12 = (t18 - t12) * 0.707106781187 |
t06 += t12 |
t18 = t14 + t26 |
t26 = (t14 - t26) * 0.541196100146 |
t14 = t32 + t24 |
t24 = (t32 - t24) * 1.30656296488 |
t32 = t18 + t14 |
t14 = (t18 - t14) * 0.707106781187 |
t18 = t26 + t24 |
t24 = (t26 - t24) * 0.707106781187 |
t18 += t24 |
t32 += t18 |
t18 += t14 |
t26 = t14 + t24 |
t14 = t02 + t16 |
t02 = (t02 - t16) * 0.509795579104 |
t16 = t04 + t20 |
t04 = (t04 - t20) * 0.601344886935 |
t20 = t28 + t22 |
t22 = (t28 - t22) * 0.899976223136 |
t28 = t08 + t10 |
t10 = (t08 - t10) * 2.56291544774 |
t08 = t14 + t28 |
t14 = (t14 - t28) * 0.541196100146 |
t28 = t16 + t20 |
t20 = (t16 - t20) * 1.30656296488 |
t16 = t08 + t28 |
t28 = (t08 - t28) * 0.707106781187 |
t08 = t14 + t20 |
t20 = (t14 - t20) * 0.707106781187 |
t08 += t20 |
t14 = t02 + t10 |
t02 = (t02 - t10) * 0.541196100146 |
t10 = t04 + t22 |
t22 = (t04 - t22) * 1.30656296488 |
t04 = t14 + t10 |
t10 = (t14 - t10) * 0.707106781187 |
t14 = t02 + t22 |
t02 = (t02 - t22) * 0.707106781187 |
t14 += t02 |
t04 += t14 |
t14 += t10 |
t10 += t02 |
t16 += t04 |
t04 += t08 |
t08 += t14 |
t14 += t28 |
t28 += t10 |
t10 += t20 |
t20 += t02 |
t21 += t16 |
t16 += t32 |
t32 += t04 |
t04 += t06 |
t06 += t08 |
t08 += t18 |
t18 += t14 |
t14 += t30 |
t30 += t28 |
t28 += t26 |
t26 += t10 |
t10 += t12 |
t12 += t20 |
t20 += t24 |
t24 += t02 |
d[dp + 48] = -t33 |
d[dp + 49] = d[dp + 47] = -t21 |
d[dp + 50] = d[dp + 46] = -t17 |
d[dp + 51] = d[dp + 45] = -t16 |
d[dp + 52] = d[dp + 44] = -t01 |
d[dp + 53] = d[dp + 43] = -t32 |
d[dp + 54] = d[dp + 42] = -t29 |
d[dp + 55] = d[dp + 41] = -t04 |
d[dp + 56] = d[dp + 40] = -t03 |
d[dp + 57] = d[dp + 39] = -t06 |
d[dp + 58] = d[dp + 38] = -t25 |
d[dp + 59] = d[dp + 37] = -t08 |
d[dp + 60] = d[dp + 36] = -t11 |
d[dp + 61] = d[dp + 35] = -t18 |
d[dp + 62] = d[dp + 34] = -t09 |
d[dp + 63] = d[dp + 33] = -t14 |
d[dp + 32] = -t05 |
d[dp + 0] = t05 |
d[dp + 31] = -t30 |
d[dp + 1] = t30 |
d[dp + 30] = -t27 |
d[dp + 2] = t27 |
d[dp + 29] = -t28 |
d[dp + 3] = t28 |
d[dp + 28] = -t07 |
d[dp + 4] = t07 |
d[dp + 27] = -t26 |
d[dp + 5] = t26 |
d[dp + 26] = -t23 |
d[dp + 6] = t23 |
d[dp + 25] = -t10 |
d[dp + 7] = t10 |
d[dp + 24] = -t15 |
d[dp + 8] = t15 |
d[dp + 23] = -t12 |
d[dp + 9] = t12 |
d[dp + 22] = -t19 |
d[dp + 10] = t19 |
d[dp + 21] = -t20 |
d[dp + 11] = t20 |
d[dp + 20] = -t13 |
d[dp + 12] = t13 |
d[dp + 19] = -t24 |
d[dp + 13] = t24 |
d[dp + 18] = -t31 |
d[dp + 14] = t31 |
d[dp + 17] = -t02 |
d[dp + 15] = t02 |
d[dp + 16] = 0.0 |
} |
static FRAME_SYNC = 0x7ff |
static VERSION = { |
MPEG_2_5: 0x0, |
MPEG_2: 0x2, |
MPEG_1: 0x3 |
} |
static LAYER = { |
III: 0x1, |
II: 0x2, |
I: 0x3 |
} |
static MODE = { |
STEREO: 0x0, |
MONO: 0x3 |
} |
static SAMPLE_RATE = new Uint16Array([ |
44100, |
48000, |
32000, |
0, // MPEG-1
22050, |
24000, |
16000, |
0 // MPEG-2
]) |
static BIT_RATE = new Uint16Array([ |
32, |
48, |
56, |
64, |
80, |
96, |
112, |
128, |
160, |
192, |
224, |
256, |
320, |
384, // MPEG-1
8, |
16, |
24, |
32, |
40, |
48, |
56, |
64, |
80, |
96, |
112, |
128, |
144, |
160 // MPEG-2
]) |
static SCALEFACTOR_BASE = new Uint32Array([ |
0x02000000, 0x01965fea, 0x01428a30 |
]) |
static SYNTHESIS_WINDOW = new Float32Array([ |
0.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.5, -1.5, |
-2.0, -2.0, -2.5, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5, -3.5, -4.0, -4.5, -5.0, -5.5, -6.5, |
-7.0, -8.0, -8.5, -9.5, -10.5, -12.0, -13.0, -14.5, -15.5, -17.5, -19.0, |
-20.5, -22.5, -24.5, -26.5, -29.0, -31.5, -34.0, -36.5, -39.5, -42.5, -45.5, |
-48.5, -52.0, -55.5, -58.5, -62.5, -66.0, -69.5, -73.5, -77.0, -80.5, -84.5, |
-88.0, -91.5, -95.0, -98.0, -101.0, -104.0, 106.5, 109.0, 111.0, 112.5, |
113.5, 114.0, 114.0, 113.5, 112.0, 110.5, 107.5, 104.0, 100.0, 94.5, 88.5, |
81.5, 73.0, 63.5, 53.0, 41.5, 28.5, 14.5, -1.0, -18.0, -36.0, -55.5, -76.5, |
-98.5, -122.0, -147.0, -173.5, -200.5, -229.5, -259.5, -290.5, -322.5, |
-355.5, -389.5, -424.0, -459.5, -495.5, -532.0, -568.5, -605.0, -641.5, |
-678.0, -714.0, -749.0, -783.5, -817.0, -849.0, -879.5, -908.5, -935.0, |
-959.5, -981.0, -1000.5, -1016.0, -1028.5, -1037.5, -1042.5, -1043.5, |
-1040.0, -1031.5, 1018.5, 1000.0, 976.0, 946.5, 911.0, 869.5, 822.0, 767.5, |
707.0, 640.0, 565.5, 485.0, 397.0, 302.5, 201.0, 92.5, -22.5, -144.0, |
-272.5, -407.0, -547.5, -694.0, -846.0, -1003.0, -1165.0, -1331.5, -1502.0, |
-1675.5, -1852.5, -2031.5, -2212.5, -2394.0, -2576.5, -2758.5, -2939.5, |
-3118.5, -3294.5, -3467.5, -3635.5, -3798.5, -3955.0, -4104.5, -4245.5, |
-4377.5, -4499.0, -4609.5, -4708.0, -4792.5, -4863.5, -4919.0, -4958.0, |
-4979.5, -4983.0, -4967.5, -4931.5, -4875.0, -4796.0, -4694.5, -4569.5, |
-4420.0, -4246.0, -4046.0, -3820.0, -3567.0, 3287.0, 2979.5, 2644.0, 2280.5, |
1888.0, 1467.5, 1018.5, 541.0, 35.0, -499.0, -1061.0, -1650.0, -2266.5, |
-2909.0, -3577.0, -4270.0, -4987.5, -5727.5, -6490.0, -7274.0, -8077.5, |
-8899.5, -9739.0, -10594.5, -11464.5, -12347.0, -13241.0, -14144.5, |
-15056.0, -15973.5, -16895.5, -17820.0, -18744.5, -19668.0, -20588.0, |
-21503.0, -22410.5, -23308.5, -24195.0, -25068.5, -25926.5, -26767.0, |
-27589.0, -28389.0, -29166.5, -29919.0, -30644.5, -31342.0, -32009.5, |
-32645.0, -33247.0, -33814.5, -34346.0, -34839.5, -35295.0, -35710.0, |
-36084.5, -36417.5, -36707.5, -36954.0, -37156.5, -37315.0, -37428.0, |
-37496.0, 37519.0, 37496.0, 37428.0, 37315.0, 37156.5, 36954.0, 36707.5, |
36417.5, 36084.5, 35710.0, 35295.0, 34839.5, 34346.0, 33814.5, 33247.0, |
32645.0, 32009.5, 31342.0, 30644.5, 29919.0, 29166.5, 28389.0, 27589.0, |
26767.0, 25926.5, 25068.5, 24195.0, 23308.5, 22410.5, 21503.0, 20588.0, |
19668.0, 18744.5, 17820.0, 16895.5, 15973.5, 15056.0, 14144.5, 13241.0, |
12347.0, 11464.5, 10594.5, 9739.0, 8899.5, 8077.5, 7274.0, 6490.0, 5727.5, |
4987.5, 4270.0, 3577.0, 2909.0, 2266.5, 1650.0, 1061.0, 499.0, -35.0, |
-541.0, -1018.5, -1467.5, -1888.0, -2280.5, -2644.0, -2979.5, 3287.0, |
3567.0, 3820.0, 4046.0, 4246.0, 4420.0, 4569.5, 4694.5, 4796.0, 4875.0, |
4931.5, 4967.5, 4983.0, 4979.5, 4958.0, 4919.0, 4863.5, 4792.5, 4708.0, |
4609.5, 4499.0, 4377.5, 4245.5, 4104.5, 3955.0, 3798.5, 3635.5, 3467.5, |
3294.5, 3118.5, 2939.5, 2758.5, 2576.5, 2394.0, 2212.5, 2031.5, 1852.5, |
1675.5, 1502.0, 1331.5, 1165.0, 1003.0, 846.0, 694.0, 547.5, 407.0, 272.5, |
144.0, 22.5, -92.5, -201.0, -302.5, -397.0, -485.0, -565.5, -640.0, -707.0, |
-767.5, -822.0, -869.5, -911.0, -946.5, -976.0, -1000.0, 1018.5, 1031.5, |
1040.0, 1043.5, 1042.5, 1037.5, 1028.5, 1016.0, 1000.5, 981.0, 959.5, 935.0, |
908.5, 879.5, 849.0, 817.0, 783.5, 749.0, 714.0, 678.0, 641.5, 605.0, 568.5, |
532.0, 495.5, 459.5, 424.0, 389.5, 355.5, 322.5, 290.5, 259.5, 229.5, 200.5, |
173.5, 147.0, 122.0, 98.5, 76.5, 55.5, 36.0, 18.0, 1.0, -14.5, -28.5, -41.5, |
-53.0, -63.5, -73.0, -81.5, -88.5, -94.5, -100.0, -104.0, -107.5, -110.5, |
-112.0, -113.5, -114.0, -114.0, -113.5, -112.5, -111.0, -109.0, 106.5, |
104.0, 101.0, 98.0, 95.0, 91.5, 88.0, 84.5, 80.5, 77.0, 73.5, 69.5, 66.0, |
62.5, 58.5, 55.5, 52.0, 48.5, 45.5, 42.5, 39.5, 36.5, 34.0, 31.5, 29.0, |
26.5, 24.5, 22.5, 20.5, 19.0, 17.5, 15.5, 14.5, 13.0, 12.0, 10.5, 9.5, 8.5, |
8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.0, 2.0, 1.5, |
1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 |
]) |
// Quantizer lookup, step 1: bitrate classes
static QUANT_LUT_STEP_1 = [ |
// 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384 <- bitrate
[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], // mono
// 16, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192 <- bitrate / chan
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] // stereo
] |
// Quantizer lookup, step 2: bitrate class, sample rate -> B2 table idx, sblimit
static QUANT_TAB = { |
A: 27 | 64, // Table 3-B.2a: high-rate, sblimit = 27
B: 30 | 64, // Table 3-B.2b: high-rate, sblimit = 30
C: 8, // Table 3-B.2c: low-rate, sblimit = 8
D: 12 // Table 3-B.2d: low-rate, sblimit = 12
} |
static QUANT_LUT_STEP_2 = [ |
// 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 32 kHz
[MP2.QUANT_TAB.C, MP2.QUANT_TAB.C, MP2.QUANT_TAB.D], // 32 - 48 kbit/sec/ch
[MP2.QUANT_TAB.A, MP2.QUANT_TAB.A, MP2.QUANT_TAB.A], // 56 - 80 kbit/sec/ch
[MP2.QUANT_TAB.B, MP2.QUANT_TAB.A, MP2.QUANT_TAB.B] // 96+ kbit/sec/ch
] |
// Quantizer lookup, step 3: B2 table, subband -> nbal, row index
// (upper 4 bits: nbal, lower 4 bits: row index)
static QUANT_LUT_STEP_3 = [ |
// Low-rate table (3-B.2c and 3-B.2d)
[0x44, 0x44, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34], |
// High-rate table (3-B.2a and 3-B.2b)
[ |
0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x31, |
0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x20, |
0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 |
], |
// MPEG-2 LSR table (B.2 in ISO 13818-3)
[ |
0x45, 0x45, 0x45, 0x45, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x24, |
0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, |
0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24 |
] |
] |
// Quantizer lookup, step 4: table row, allocation[] value -> quant table index
static QUANT_LUT_STEP4 = [ |
[0, 1, 2, 17], |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17], |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17], |
[0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], |
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17], |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] |
] |
static QUANT_TAB = [ |
{ levels: 3, group: 1, bits: 5 }, // 1
{ levels: 5, group: 1, bits: 7 }, // 2
{ levels: 7, group: 0, bits: 3 }, // 3
{ levels: 9, group: 1, bits: 10 }, // 4
{ levels: 15, group: 0, bits: 4 }, // 5
{ levels: 31, group: 0, bits: 5 }, // 6
{ levels: 63, group: 0, bits: 6 }, // 7
{ levels: 127, group: 0, bits: 7 }, // 8
{ levels: 255, group: 0, bits: 8 }, // 9
{ levels: 511, group: 0, bits: 9 }, // 10
{ levels: 1023, group: 0, bits: 10 }, // 11
{ levels: 2047, group: 0, bits: 11 }, // 12
{ levels: 4095, group: 0, bits: 12 }, // 13
{ levels: 8191, group: 0, bits: 13 }, // 14
{ levels: 16383, group: 0, bits: 14 }, // 15
{ levels: 32767, group: 0, bits: 15 }, // 16
{ levels: 65535, group: 0, bits: 16 } // 17
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ |
import { Now } from '../../utils' |
import BitBuffer from '../buffer' |
import BaseDecoder from './decoder' |
export default class MPEG1WASM extends BaseDecoder { |
options = null |
/** 分辨率 */ |
resolution = { |
width: 0, |
height: 0 |
} |
constructor(options) { |
super(options) |
this.onDecodeCallback = options.onVideoDecode |
this.module = options.wasmModule |
this.bufferSize = options.videoBufferSize || 512 * 1024 |
this.bufferMode = options.streaming |
? BitBuffer.MODE.EVICT |
: BitBuffer.MODE.EXPAND |
this.decodeFirstFrame = options.decodeFirstFrame !== false |
this.hasSequenceHeader = false |
this.options = options |
} |
initializeWasmDecoder() { |
if (!this.module.instance) { |
console.warn('JSMpeg: WASM module not compiled yet') |
return |
} |
this.instance = this.module.instance |
this.functions = this.module.instance.exports |
this.decoder = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_create( |
this.bufferSize, |
this.bufferMode |
) |
} |
destroy() { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return |
} |
this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_destroy(this.decoder) |
} |
bufferGetIndex() { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return |
} |
return this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_index(this.decoder) |
} |
bufferSetIndex(index) { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return |
} |
this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_set_index(this.decoder, index) |
} |
bufferWrite(buffers) { |
if (!this.decoder) { |
this.initializeWasmDecoder() |
} |
let totalLength = 0 |
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { |
totalLength += buffers[i].length |
} |
let ptr = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_write_ptr( |
this.decoder, |
totalLength |
) |
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { |
this.instance.heapU8.set(buffers[i], ptr) |
ptr += buffers[i].length |
} |
this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_did_write(this.decoder, totalLength) |
return totalLength |
} |
write(pts, buffers) { |
super.write(pts, buffers) |
if ( |
!this.hasSequenceHeader && |
this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_has_sequence_header(this.decoder) |
) { |
this.loadSequnceHeader() |
} |
} |
loadSequnceHeader() { |
this.hasSequenceHeader = true |
this.frameRate = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_frame_rate(this.decoder) |
this.codedSize = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_coded_size(this.decoder) |
if (this.destination) { |
const w = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_width(this.decoder) |
const h = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_height(this.decoder) |
this.destination.resize(w, h) |
this.resolution.width = w |
this.resolution.height = h |
this.options.onResolutionDecode?.(w, h) |
} |
if (this.decodeFirstFrame) { |
this.decode() |
} |
} |
decode() { |
const startTime = Now() |
if (!this.decoder) { |
return false |
} |
const didDecode = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_decode(this.decoder) |
if (!didDecode) { |
return false |
} |
// Invoke decode callbacks
if (this.destination) { |
const ptrY = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_y_ptr(this.decoder) |
const ptrCr = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_cr_ptr(this.decoder) |
const ptrCb = this.functions._mpeg1_decoder_get_cb_ptr(this.decoder) |
const dy = this.instance.heapU8.subarray(ptrY, ptrY + this.codedSize) |
const dcr = this.instance.heapU8.subarray( |
ptrCr, |
ptrCr + (this.codedSize >> 2) |
) |
const dcb = this.instance.heapU8.subarray( |
ptrCb, |
ptrCb + (this.codedSize >> 2) |
) |
this.destination.render(dy, dcr, dcb, false) |
} |
this.advanceDecodedTime(1 / this.frameRate) |
const elapsedTime = Now() - startTime |
if (this.onDecodeCallback) { |
this.onDecodeCallback(this, elapsedTime) |
} |
return true |
} |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
import TS from './ts' |
const Demuxer = { |
TS |
} |
export default Demuxer |
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ |
/* eslint-disable */ |
import BitBuffer from '../buffer' |
import MP2 from '../decoder/mp2' |
import MP2WASM from '../decoder/mp2-wasm' |
import MPEG1 from '../decoder/mpeg1' |
import MPEG1WASM from '../decoder/mpeg1-wasm' |
export default class TS { |
/** @type {BitBuffer} */ |
bits |
/** @type {{[key:string]: {destination: MPEG1|MPEG1WASM|MP2|MP2WASM,currentLength: number,totalLength: number, pts: number, buffers: BitBuffer}}} */ |
pesPacketInfo |
constructor(options) { |
this.bits = null |
this.leftoverBytes = null |
this.guessVideoFrameEnd = true |
this.pidsToStreamIds = {} |
this.pesPacketInfo = {} |
this.startTime = 0 |
this.currentTime = 0 |
} |
connect(streamId, destination) { |
this.pesPacketInfo[streamId] = { |
destination: destination, |
currentLength: 0, |
totalLength: 0, |
pts: 0, |
buffers: [] |
} |
} |
write(buffer) { |
if (this.leftoverBytes) { |
const totalLength = buffer.byteLength + this.leftoverBytes.byteLength |
this.bits = new BitBuffer(totalLength) |
this.bits.write([this.leftoverBytes, buffer]) |
} else { |
this.bits = new BitBuffer(buffer) |
} |
while (this.bits.has(188 << 3) && this.parsePacket()) {} |
const leftoverCount = this.bits.byteLength - (this.bits.index >> 3) |
this.leftoverBytes = |
leftoverCount > 0 ? this.bits.bytes.subarray(this.bits.index >> 3) : null |
} |
parsePacket() { |
// Check if we're in sync with packet boundaries; attempt to resync if not.
if (this.bits.read(8) !== 0x47) { |
if (!this.resync()) { |
// Couldn't resync; maybe next time...
return false |
} |
} |
const end = (this.bits.index >> 3) + 187 |
const transportError = this.bits.read(1) |
const payloadStart = this.bits.read(1) |
const transportPriority = this.bits.read(1) |
const pid = this.bits.read(13) |
const transportScrambling = this.bits.read(2) |
const adaptationField = this.bits.read(2) |
const continuityCounter = this.bits.read(4) |
// If this is the start of a new payload; signal the end of the previous
// frame, if we didn't do so already.
let streamId = this.pidsToStreamIds[pid] |
if (payloadStart && streamId) { |
const pi = this.pesPacketInfo[streamId] |
if (pi && pi.currentLength) { |
this.packetComplete(pi) |
} |
} |
// Extract current payload
if (adaptationField & 0x1) { |
if (adaptationField & 0x2) { |
const adaptationFieldLength = this.bits.read(8) |
this.bits.skip(adaptationFieldLength << 3) |
} |
if (payloadStart && this.bits.nextBytesAreStartCode()) { |
this.bits.skip(24) |
streamId = this.bits.read(8) |
this.pidsToStreamIds[pid] = streamId |
const packetLength = this.bits.read(16) |
this.bits.skip(8) |
const ptsDtsFlag = this.bits.read(2) |
this.bits.skip(6) |
const headerLength = this.bits.read(8) |
const payloadBeginIndex = this.bits.index + (headerLength << 3) |
const pi = this.pesPacketInfo[streamId] |
if (pi) { |
let pts = 0 |
if (ptsDtsFlag & 0x2) { |
// The Presentation Timestamp is encoded as 33(!) bit
// integer, but has a "marker bit" inserted at weird places
// in between, making the whole thing 5 bytes in size.
// You can't make this shit up...
this.bits.skip(4) |
const p32_30 = this.bits.read(3) |
this.bits.skip(1) |
const p29_15 = this.bits.read(15) |
this.bits.skip(1) |
const p14_0 = this.bits.read(15) |
this.bits.skip(1) |
// Can't use bit shifts here; we need 33 bits of precision,
// so we're using JavaScript's double number type. Also
// divide by the 90khz clock to get the pts in seconds.
pts = (p32_30 * 1073741824 + p29_15 * 32768 + p14_0) / 90000 |
this.currentTime = pts |
if (this.startTime === -1) { |
this.startTime = pts |
} |
} |
const payloadLength = packetLength ? packetLength - headerLength - 3 : 0 |
this.packetStart(pi, pts, payloadLength) |
} |
// Skip the rest of the header without parsing it
this.bits.index = payloadBeginIndex |
} |
if (streamId) { |
// Attempt to detect if the PES packet is complete. For Audio (and
// other) packets, we received a total packet length with the PES
// header, so we can check the current length.
// For Video packets, we have to guess the end by detecting if this
// TS packet was padded - there's no good reason to pad a TS packet
// in between, but it might just fit exactly. If this fails, we can
// only wait for the next PES header for that stream.
const pi = this.pesPacketInfo[streamId] |
if (pi) { |
const start = this.bits.index >> 3 |
const complete = this.packetAddData(pi, start, end) |
const hasPadding = !payloadStart && adaptationField & 0x2 |
if (complete || (this.guessVideoFrameEnd && hasPadding)) { |
this.packetComplete(pi) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
this.bits.index = end << 3 |
return true |
} |
resync() { |
// Check if we have enough data to attempt a resync. We need 5 full packets.
if (!this.bits.has((188 * 6) << 3)) { |
return false |
} |
const byteIndex = this.bits.index >> 3 |
// Look for the first sync token in the first 187 bytes
for (let i = 0; i < 187; i++) { |
if (this.bits.bytes[byteIndex + i] === 0x47) { |
// Look for 4 more sync tokens, each 188 bytes appart
let foundSync = true |
for (let j = 1; j < 5; j++) { |
if (this.bits.bytes[byteIndex + i + 188 * j] !== 0x47) { |
foundSync = false |
break |
} |
} |
if (foundSync) { |
this.bits.index = (byteIndex + i + 1) << 3 |
return true |
} |
} |
} |
// In theory, we shouldn't arrive here. If we do, we had enough data but
// still didn't find sync - this can only happen if we were fed garbage
// data. Check your source!
// console.warn('JSMpeg: Possible garbage data. Skipping.')
this.bits.skip(187 << 3) |
return false |
} |
packetStart(pi, pts, payloadLength) { |
pi.totalLength = payloadLength |
pi.currentLength = 0 |
pi.pts = pts |
} |
packetAddData(pi, start, end) { |
pi.buffers.push(this.bits.bytes.subarray(start, end)) |
pi.currentLength += end - start |
const complete = pi.totalLength !== 0 && pi.currentLength >= pi.totalLength |
return complete |
} |
packetComplete(pi) { |
// 在这里将视频流写入了解码器
pi.destination.write(pi.pts, pi.buffers) |
pi.totalLength = 0 |
pi.currentLength = 0 |
pi.buffers = [] |
} |
static STREAM = { |
PACK_HEADER: 0xba, |
PROGRAM_MAP: 0xbc, |
PRIVATE_1: 0xbd, |
PADDING: 0xbe, |
PRIVATE_2: 0xbf, |
AUDIO_1: 0xc0, |
VIDEO_1: 0xe0, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
/*! jsmpeg v1.0 | (c) Dominic Szablewski | MIT license */ |
import AudioOutput from './audio-output' |
import BitBuffer from './buffer' |
import Decoder from './decoder' |
import Demuxer from './demuxer' |
import Player from './player' |
import Renderer from './renderer' |
import Source from './source' |
import VideoElement from './video-element' |
// This sets up the JSMpeg "Namespace". The object is empty apart from the Now()
// utility function and the automatic CreateVideoElements() after DOMReady.
export default class JSMpeg { |
// The Player sets up the connections between source, demuxer, decoders,
// renderer and audio output. It ties everything together, is responsible
// of scheduling decoding and provides some convenience methods for
// external users.
static Player = Player |
// A Video Element wraps the Player, shows HTML controls to start/pause
// the video and handles Audio unlocking on iOS. VideoElements can be
// created directly in HTML using the <div class="jsmpeg"/> tag.
static VideoElement = VideoElement |
// The BitBuffer wraps a Uint8Array and allows reading an arbitrary number
// of bits at a time. On writing, the BitBuffer either expands its
// internal buffer (for static files) or deletes old data (for streaming).
static BitBuffer = BitBuffer |
// A Source provides raw data from HTTP, a WebSocket connection or any
// other mean. Sources must support the following API:
// .connect(destinationNode)
// .write(buffer)
// .start() - start reading
// .resume(headroom) - continue reading; headroom to play pos in seconds
// .established - boolean, true after connection is established
// .completed - boolean, true if the source is completely loaded
// .progress - float 0-1
static Source = Source |
// A Demuxer may sit between a Source and a Decoder. It separates the
// incoming raw data into Video, Audio and other Streams. API:
// .connect(streamId, destinationNode)
// .write(buffer)
// .currentTime – float, in seconds
// .startTime - float, in seconds
static Demuxer = Demuxer |
// A Decoder accepts an incoming Stream of raw Audio or Video data, buffers
// it and upon `.decode()` decodes a single frame of data. Video decoders
// call `destinationNode.render(Y, Cr, CB)` with the decoded pixel data;
// Audio decoders call `destinationNode.play(left, right)` with the decoded
// PCM data. API:
// .connect(destinationNode)
// .write(pts, buffer)
// .decode()
// .seek(time)
// .currentTime - float, in seconds
// .startTime - float, in seconds
static Decoder = Decoder |
// A Renderer accepts raw YCrCb data in 3 separate buffers via the render()
// method. Renderers typically convert the data into the RGBA color space
// and draw it on a Canvas, but other output - such as writing PNGs - would
// be conceivable. API:
// .render(y, cr, cb) - pixel data as Uint8Arrays
// .enabled - wether the renderer does anything upon receiving data
static Renderer = Renderer |
// Audio Outputs accept raw Stero PCM data in 2 separate buffers via the
// play() method. Outputs typically play the audio on the user's device.
// API:
// .play(sampleRate, left, right) - rate in herz; PCM data as Uint8Arrays
// .stop()
// .enqueuedTime - float, in seconds
// .enabled - wether the output does anything upon receiving data
static AudioOutput = AudioOutput |
static CreateVideoElements() { |
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.jsmpeg') |
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { |
new VideoElement(elements[i]) |
} |
} |
} |
// Automatically create players for all found <div class="jsmpeg"/> elements.
// if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
// JSMpeg.CreateVideoElements();
// }
// else {
// document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', JSMpeg.CreateVideoElements);
// }
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
import { Fill } from '../../utils' |
export default class CanvasRenderer { |
/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ |
canvas |
/** |
* |
* @param {import('../../types').PlayerOptions} options |
*/ |
constructor(options) { |
this.canvas = options.canvas ?? document.createElement('canvas') |
this.width = this.canvas.width |
this.height = this.canvas.height |
this.enabled = true |
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d') |
} |
destroy() { |
// Nothing to do here
} |
clear() { |
if (!this.context) return |
const w = this.canvas.width |
const h = this.canvas.height |
this.context.fillStyle = '#000' |
this.context.fillRect(0, 0, w, h) |
} |
resize(width, height) { |
this.width = width | 0 |
this.height = height | 0 |
this.canvas.width = this.width |
this.canvas.height = this.height |
this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height) |
Fill(this.imageData.data, 255) |
} |
renderProgress(progress) { |
const w = this.canvas.width |
const h = this.canvas.height |
const ctx = this.context |
ctx.fillStyle = '#222' |
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h) |
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff' |
ctx.fillRect(0, h - h * progress, w, h * progress) |
} |
render(y, cb, cr) { |
this.YCbCrToRGBA(y, cb, cr, this.imageData.data) |
this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0) |
} |
YCbCrToRGBA(y, cb, cr, rgba) { |
if (!this.enabled) { |
return |
} |
// Chroma values are the same for each block of 4 pixels, so we proccess
// 2 lines at a time, 2 neighboring pixels each.
// I wish we could use 32bit writes to the RGBA buffer instead of writing
// each byte separately, but we need the automatic clamping of the RGBA
// buffer.
const w = ((this.width + 15) >> 4) << 4 |
const w2 = w >> 1 |
let yIndex1 = 0 |
let yIndex2 = w |
const yNext2Lines = w + (w - this.width) |
let cIndex = 0 |
const cNextLine = w2 - (this.width >> 1) |
let rgbaIndex1 = 0 |
let rgbaIndex2 = this.width * 4 |
const rgbaNext2Lines = this.width * 4 |
const cols = this.width >> 1 |
const rows = this.height >> 1 |
let ccb, ccr, r, g, b |
for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { |
for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { |
ccb = cb[cIndex] |
ccr = cr[cIndex] |
cIndex++ |
r = ccb + ((ccb * 103) >> 8) - 179 |
g = ((ccr * 88) >> 8) - 44 + ((ccb * 183) >> 8) - 91 |
b = ccr + ((ccr * 198) >> 8) - 227 |
// Line 1
const y1 = y[yIndex1++] |
const y2 = y[yIndex1++] |
rgba[rgbaIndex1] = y1 + r |
rgba[rgbaIndex1 + 1] = y1 - g |
rgba[rgbaIndex1 + 2] = y1 + b |
rgba[rgbaIndex1 + 4] = y2 + r |
rgba[rgbaIndex1 + 5] = y2 - g |
rgba[rgbaIndex1 + 6] = y2 + b |
rgbaIndex1 += 8 |
// Line 2
const y3 = y[yIndex2++] |
const y4 = y[yIndex2++] |
rgba[rgbaIndex2] = y3 + r |
rgba[rgbaIndex2 + 1] = y3 - g |
rgba[rgbaIndex2 + 2] = y3 + b |
rgba[rgbaIndex2 + 4] = y4 + r |
rgba[rgbaIndex2 + 5] = y4 - g |
rgba[rgbaIndex2 + 6] = y4 + b |
rgbaIndex2 += 8 |
} |
yIndex1 += yNext2Lines |
yIndex2 += yNext2Lines |
rgbaIndex1 += rgbaNext2Lines |
rgbaIndex2 += rgbaNext2Lines |
cIndex += cNextLine |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
import CanvasRenderer from './canvas2d' |
import WebGLRenderer from './webgl' |
const Renderer = { |
Canvas2D: CanvasRenderer, |
WebGL: WebGLRenderer |
} |
export default Renderer |
@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ |
export default class WebGLRenderer { |
/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ |
canvas |
/** @type {WebGLRenderingContext} */ |
gl |
constructor(options) { |
this.canvas = options.canvas ?? document.createElement('canvas') |
this.width = this.canvas.width |
this.height = this.canvas.height |
this.enabled = true |
this.hasTextureData = {} |
const contextCreateOptions = { |
preserveDrawingBuffer: !!options.preserveDrawingBuffer, |
alpha: false, |
depth: false, |
stencil: false, |
antialias: false, |
premultipliedAlpha: false |
} |
this.gl = |
this.canvas.getContext('webgl', contextCreateOptions) || |
this.canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', contextCreateOptions) |
if (!this.gl) { |
throw new Error('Failed to get WebGL Context') |
} |
const gl = this.gl |
let vertexAttr = null |
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, false) |
// Init buffers
this.vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer() |
const vertexCoords = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]) |
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer) |
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexCoords, gl.STATIC_DRAW) |
// Setup the main YCrCbToRGBA shader
this.program = this.createProgram( |
) |
vertexAttr = gl.getAttribLocation(this.program, 'vertex') |
gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertexAttr) |
gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertexAttr, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) |
this.textureY = this.createTexture(0, 'textureY') |
this.textureCb = this.createTexture(1, 'textureCb') |
this.textureCr = this.createTexture(2, 'textureCr') |
// Setup the loading animation shader
this.loadingProgram = this.createProgram( |
) |
vertexAttr = gl.getAttribLocation(this.loadingProgram, 'vertex') |
gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertexAttr) |
gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertexAttr, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) |
this.shouldCreateUnclampedViews = !this.allowsClampedTextureData() |
} |
destroy(removeCanvas = true) { |
const gl = this.gl |
this.deleteTexture(gl.TEXTURE0, this.textureY) |
this.deleteTexture(gl.TEXTURE1, this.textureCb) |
this.deleteTexture(gl.TEXTURE2, this.textureCr) |
gl.useProgram(null) |
gl.deleteProgram(this.program) |
gl.deleteProgram(this.loadingProgram) |
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null) |
gl.deleteBuffer(this.vertexBuffer) |
gl.getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context')?.loseContext() |
// gl.clear()
if (removeCanvas) { |
// 默认不移除canvas
this.canvas.remove() |
} |
} |
clear() { |
// 设置背景颜色
this.gl?.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1) |
this.gl?.clear(this.gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) |
} |
resize(width, height) { |
this.width = width | 0 |
this.height = height | 0 |
this.canvas.width = this.width |
this.canvas.height = this.height |
this.gl.useProgram(this.program) |
const codedWidth = ((this.width + 15) >> 4) << 4 |
this.gl.viewport(0, 0, codedWidth, this.height) |
} |
createTexture(index, name) { |
const gl = this.gl |
const texture = gl.createTexture() |
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture) |
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR) |
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR) |
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
gl.uniform1i(gl.getUniformLocation(this.program, name), index) |
return texture |
} |
createProgram(vsh, fsh) { |
const gl = this.gl |
const program = gl.createProgram() |
gl.attachShader(program, this.compileShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vsh)) |
gl.attachShader(program, this.compileShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fsh)) |
gl.linkProgram(program) |
gl.useProgram(program) |
return program |
} |
compileShader(type, source) { |
const gl = this.gl |
const shader = gl.createShader(type) |
gl.shaderSource(shader, source) |
gl.compileShader(shader) |
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { |
throw new Error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)) |
} |
return shader |
} |
allowsClampedTextureData() { |
const gl = this.gl |
const texture = gl.createTexture() |
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture) |
gl.texImage2D( |
gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
0, |
1, |
1, |
0, |
new Uint8ClampedArray([0]) |
) |
return gl.getError() === 0 |
} |
renderProgress(progress) { |
const gl = this.gl |
gl.useProgram(this.loadingProgram) |
const loc = gl.getUniformLocation(this.loadingProgram, 'progress') |
gl.uniform1f(loc, progress) |
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) |
} |
render(y, cb, cr, isClampedArray) { |
if (!this.enabled) { |
return |
} |
const gl = this.gl |
const w = ((this.width + 15) >> 4) << 4 |
const h = this.height |
const w2 = w >> 1 |
const h2 = h >> 1 |
// In some browsers WebGL doesn't like Uint8ClampedArrays (this is a bug
// and should be fixed soon-ish), so we have to create a Uint8Array view
// for each plane.
if (isClampedArray && this.shouldCreateUnclampedViews) { |
y = new Uint8Array(y.buffer) |
cb = new Uint8Array(cb.buffer) |
cr = new Uint8Array(cr.buffer) |
} |
gl.useProgram(this.program) |
this.updateTexture(gl.TEXTURE0, this.textureY, w, h, y) |
this.updateTexture(gl.TEXTURE1, this.textureCb, w2, h2, cb) |
this.updateTexture(gl.TEXTURE2, this.textureCr, w2, h2, cr) |
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) |
} |
updateTexture(unit, texture, w, h, data) { |
const gl = this.gl |
gl.activeTexture(unit) |
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture) |
if (this.hasTextureData[unit]) { |
gl.texSubImage2D( |
gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
0, |
0, |
0, |
w, |
h, |
data |
) |
} else { |
this.hasTextureData[unit] = true |
gl.texImage2D( |
gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
0, |
w, |
h, |
0, |
data |
) |
} |
} |
deleteTexture(unit, texture) { |
const gl = this.gl |
gl.activeTexture(unit) |
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null) |
gl.deleteTexture(texture) |
} |
static IsSupported() { |
try { |
if (!window.WebGLRenderingContext) { |
return false |
} |
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') |
return !!( |
canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl') |
) |
} catch (err) { |
return false |
} |
} |
static SHADER = { |
'precision mediump float;', |
'uniform sampler2D textureY;', |
'uniform sampler2D textureCb;', |
'uniform sampler2D textureCr;', |
'varying vec2 texCoord;', |
'mat4 rec601 = mat4(', |
'1.16438, 0.00000, 1.59603, -0.87079,', |
'1.16438, -0.39176, -0.81297, 0.52959,', |
'1.16438, 2.01723, 0.00000, -1.08139,', |
'0, 0, 0, 1', |
');', |
'void main() {', |
'float y = texture2D(textureY, texCoord).r;', |
'float cb = texture2D(textureCb, texCoord).r;', |
'float cr = texture2D(textureCr, texCoord).r;', |
'gl_FragColor = vec4(y, cr, cb, 1.0) * rec601;', |
'}' |
].join('\n'), |
'precision mediump float;', |
'uniform float progress;', |
'varying vec2 texCoord;', |
'void main() {', |
'float c = ceil(progress-(1.0-texCoord.y));', |
'gl_FragColor = vec4(c,c,c,1);', |
'}' |
].join('\n'), |
'attribute vec2 vertex;', |
'varying vec2 texCoord;', |
'void main() {', |
'texCoord = vertex;', |
'gl_Position = vec4((vertex * 2.0 - 1.0) * vec2(1, -1), 0.0, 1.0);', |
'}' |
].join('\n') |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
import { Now } from '../../utils' |
export default class AjaxProgressiveSource { |
constructor(url, options) { |
this.url = url |
this.destination = null |
this.request = null |
this.streaming = false |
this.completed = false |
this.established = false |
this.progress = 0 |
this.fileSize = 0 |
this.loadedSize = 0 |
this.chunkSize = options.chunkSize || 1024 * 1024 |
this.isLoading = false |
this.loadStartTime = 0 |
this.throttled = options.throttled !== false |
this.aborted = false |
this.onEstablishedCallback = options.onSourceEstablished |
this.onCompletedCallback = options.onSourceCompleted |
} |
connect(destination) { |
this.destination = destination |
} |
start() { |
this.request = new XMLHttpRequest() |
this.request.onreadystatechange = function() { |
if (this.request.readyState === this.request.DONE) { |
this.fileSize = parseInt( |
this.request.getResponseHeader('Content-Length') |
) |
this.loadNextChunk() |
} |
}.bind(this) |
this.request.onprogress = this.onProgress.bind(this) |
this.request.open('HEAD', this.url) |
this.request.send() |
} |
resume(secondsHeadroom) { |
if (this.isLoading || !this.throttled) { |
return |
} |
// Guess the worst case loading time with lots of safety margin. This is
// somewhat arbitrary...
const worstCaseLoadingTime = this.loadTime * 8 + 2 |
if (worstCaseLoadingTime > secondsHeadroom) { |
this.loadNextChunk() |
} |
} |
destroy() { |
this.request.abort() |
this.aborted = true |
} |
loadNextChunk() { |
const start = this.loadedSize |
const end = Math.min(this.loadedSize + this.chunkSize - 1, this.fileSize - 1) |
if (start >= this.fileSize || this.aborted) { |
this.completed = true |
if (this.onCompletedCallback) { |
this.onCompletedCallback(this) |
} |
return |
} |
this.isLoading = true |
this.loadStartTime = Now() |
this.request = new XMLHttpRequest() |
this.request.onreadystatechange = function() { |
if ( |
this.request.readyState === this.request.DONE && |
this.request.status >= 200 && |
this.request.status < 300 |
) { |
this.onChunkLoad(this.request.response) |
} else if (this.request.readyState === this.request.DONE) { |
// Retry?
if (this.loadFails++ < 3) { |
this.loadNextChunk() |
} |
} |
}.bind(this) |
if (start === 0) { |
this.request.onprogress = this.onProgress.bind(this) |
} |
this.request.open('GET', this.url + '?' + start + '-' + end) |
this.request.setRequestHeader('Range', 'bytes=' + start + '-' + end) |
this.request.responseType = 'arraybuffer' |
this.request.send() |
} |
onProgress(ev) { |
this.progress = ev.loaded / ev.total |
} |
onChunkLoad(data) { |
const isFirstChunk = !this.established |
this.established = true |
this.progress = 1 |
this.loadedSize += data.byteLength |
this.loadFails = 0 |
this.isLoading = false |
if (isFirstChunk && this.onEstablishedCallback) { |
this.onEstablishedCallback(this) |
} |
if (this.destination) { |
this.destination.write(data) |
} |
this.loadTime = Now() - this.loadStartTime |
if (!this.throttled) { |
this.loadNextChunk() |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
'use strict' |
export default class AjaxSource { |
constructor(url, options) { |
this.url = url |
this.destination = null |
this.request = null |
this.streaming = false |
this.completed = false |
this.established = false |
this.progress = 0 |
this.onEstablishedCallback = options.onSourceEstablished |
this.onCompletedCallback = options.onSourceCompleted |
} |
connect(destination) { |
this.destination = destination |
} |
start() { |
this.request = new XMLHttpRequest() |
this.request.onreadystatechange = function() { |
if ( |
this.request.readyState === this.request.DONE && |
this.request.status === 200 |
) { |
this.onLoad(this.request.response) |
} |
}.bind(this) |
this.request.onprogress = this.onProgress.bind(this) |
this.request.open('GET', this.url) |
this.request.responseType = 'arraybuffer' |
this.request.send() |
} |
resume(secondsHeadroom) { |
// Nothing to do here
} |
destroy() { |
this.request.abort() |
} |
onProgress(ev) { |
this.progress = ev.loaded / ev.total |
} |
onLoad(data) { |
this.established = true |
this.completed = true |
this.progress = 1 |
if (this.onEstablishedCallback) { |
this.onEstablishedCallback(this) |
} |
if (this.onCompletedCallback) { |
this.onCompletedCallback(this) |
} |
if (this.destination) { |
this.destination.write(data) |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
'use strict' |
export default class FetchSource { |
constructor(url, options) { |
this.url = url |
this.destination = null |
this.request = null |
this.streaming = true |
this.completed = false |
this.established = false |
this.progress = 0 |
this.aborted = false |
this.onEstablishedCallback = options.onSourceEstablished |
this.onCompletedCallback = options.onSourceCompleted |
} |
connect(destination) { |
this.destination = destination |
} |
start() { |
const params = { |
method: 'GET', |
headers: new Headers(), |
keepAlive: 'default' |
} |
self |
.fetch(this.url, params) |
.then( |
function(res) { |
if (res.ok && res.status >= 200 && res.status <= 299) { |
this.progress = 1 |
this.established = true |
return this.pump(res.body.getReader()) |
} else { |
// error
} |
}.bind(this) |
) |
.catch(function(err) { |
throw err |
}) |
} |
pump(reader) { |
return reader |
.read() |
.then( |
function(result) { |
if (result.done) { |
this.completed = true |
} else { |
if (this.aborted) { |
return reader.cancel() |
} |
if (this.destination) { |
this.destination.write(result.value.buffer) |
} |
return this.pump(reader) |
} |
}.bind(this) |
) |
.catch(function(err) { |
throw err |
}) |
} |
resume(secondsHeadroom) { |
// Nothing to do here
} |
abort() { |
this.aborted = true |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
import AjaxSource from './ajax' |
import AjaxProgressiveSource from './ajax-progressive' |
import FetchSource from './fetch' |
import WSSource from './websocket' |
const Source = { |
Ajax: AjaxSource, |
AjaxProgressive: AjaxProgressiveSource, |
Fetch: FetchSource, |
WebSocket: WSSource |
} |
export default Source |
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ |
/* eslint-disable */ |
'use strict' |
import TS from '../demuxer/ts' |
export default class WSSource { |
timer = { |
heartbeat: null, |
streamInterrupt: null |
} |
reconnectInterval |
shouldAttemptReconnect |
progress = 0 |
reconnectTimeoutId = 0 |
reconnectCount = 0 |
callbacks = { connect: [], data: [] } |
streaming = true |
completed = false |
established = false |
isPaused = false |
isStreamInterrupt = false |
/** @type {TS} */ |
destination |
/** @type {WebSocket} */ |
socket |
/** @type {string} */ |
url |
onEstablishedCallback |
onCompletedCallback |
onClosedCallback |
onStreamInterruptCallback |
onConnectedCallback |
onStreamTimeoutFirstReceiveCallback |
/** |
* |
* @param {string} url |
* @param {import('../../types').PlayerOptions} options |
*/ |
constructor(url, options) { |
this.url = url |
this.options = options |
this.reconnectInterval = |
options.reconnectInterval !== undefined ? options.reconnectInterval : 5 |
this.shouldAttemptReconnect = !!this.reconnectInterval |
this.onEstablishedCallback = options.onSourceEstablished |
this.onCompletedCallback = options.onSourceCompleted // Never used
this.onClosedCallback = options.onSourceClosed |
this.onConnectedCallback = options.onSourceConnected |
this.onStreamInterruptCallback = options.onSourceStreamInterrupt |
this.onStreamContinueCallback = options.onSourceStreamContinue |
} |
connect(destination) { |
this.destination = destination |
} |
changeUrl(url = '') { |
clearTimeout(this.timer.streamInterrupt) |
if (typeof url === 'string' && url !== '') { |
if (this.url !== url) { |
this.destroy() |
this.url = url |
this.start() |
} |
} else { |
this.destroy() |
this.url = '' |
} |
} |
reload() { |
this.destroy() |
this.start() |
} |
destroy() { |
clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeoutId) |
this.reconnectTimeoutId = 0 |
this.shouldAttemptReconnect = false |
this.socket && this.socket.close() |
if (this.socket) { |
this.socket.onmessage = null |
this.socket.onopen = null |
this.socket.onerror = null |
this.socket.onclose = null |
this.socket.onmessage = null |
this.socket = null |
} |
} |
start() { |
this.reconnectTimeoutId = 0 |
this.reconnectCount = 0 |
this.shouldAttemptReconnect = !!this.reconnectInterval |
this.progress = 0 |
this.established = false |
this.isPaused = false |
this.wsConnect() |
} |
wsConnect() { |
if (!this.url) return |
// 连java的websocket时,第二个参数要么传值,要么不传值,不能传null,否则会一直出现连接失败的问题
try { |
this.socket = new WebSocket(this.url, this.options?.protocols) |
this.socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer' |
this.socket.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this) |
this.socket.onopen = this.onOpen.bind(this) |
this.socket.onerror = this.onError.bind(this) |
this.socket.onclose = this.onClose.bind(this) |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('websocket connect error: ', error) |
} |
} |
pause() { |
if (!this.isPaused) { |
clearTimeout(this.timer.streamInterrupt) |
this.isPaused = true |
if (this.socket?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { |
this.socket.onmessage = null |
} |
} |
// if (this.reconnectTimeoutId) {
// clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeoutId)
// this.reconnectTimeoutId = null
// }
} |
continue() { |
// Nothing to do here
if (this.isPaused) { |
this.isPaused = false |
if (this.socket == null) { |
this.start() |
} else if (this.socket?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { |
this.socket.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this) |
this.startStreamTimeoutTimer() |
} |
} |
} |
onOpen() { |
this.progress = 1 |
this.reconnectTimeoutId = 0 |
this.reconnectCount = 0 |
this.isOpened = true |
if (this.onConnectedCallback) { |
this.onConnectedCallback(this) |
} |
this.startStreamTimeoutTimer() |
} |
onError(err) { |
// console.error(err)
} |
onClose() { |
this.established = false |
if (this.progress >= 1) { |
// progress>=1,表示已经建立连接后的断开
this.progress = 0 |
if (this.onClosedCallback) { |
this.onClosedCallback(this) |
} |
clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeoutId) |
this.reconnectTimeoutId = setTimeout(this.start.bind(this), 5000) |
return |
} |
if (this.shouldAttemptReconnect && this.reconnectCount < 10) { |
// 最多重连10次
clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeoutId) |
this.reconnectTimeoutId = setTimeout( |
this.wsConnect.bind(this), |
this.reconnectInterval * 1000 |
) |
this.reconnectCount += 1 |
console.log('websocket 重连次数: ', this.reconnectCount) |
} |
} |
/** |
* |
* @param {MessageEvent} ev |
*/ |
onMessage(ev) { |
this.startStreamTimeoutTimer() |
try { |
if (!this.established) { |
this.established = true |
this.isStreamInterrupt = false |
this.onEstablishedCallback?.(this) |
console.log(ev) |
} else if (this.isStreamInterrupt) { |
this.isStreamInterrupt = false |
this.onStreamContinueCallback?.(this) |
} |
if (this.destination) { |
this.destination.write(ev.data) |
} |
} catch (error) { |
if (error.message?.indexOf('memory access out of bounds') > -1) { |
this.reload() |
} else { |
console.error(error) |
} |
} |
if (this.recorder) { |
try { |
this.recorder.write?.(ev.data) |
} catch (error) { |
this.recorder = null |
} |
} |
} |
startStreamTimeoutTimer() { |
if (this.timer.streamInterrupt) { |
clearTimeout(this.timer.streamInterrupt) |
} |
this.timer.streamInterrupt = setTimeout(() => { |
console.warn('[JSMpeg]: 等待视频流超时') |
this.timer.streamInterrupt = null |
this.isStreamInterrupt = true |
if (this.onStreamInterruptCallback) { |
this.onStreamInterruptCallback() |
} |
}, 5000) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ |
/* eslint-disable */ |
import Player from './player' |
export default class VideoElement { |
constructor(element) { |
const url = element.dataset.url |
if (!url) { |
throw 'VideoElement has no `data-url` attribute' |
} |
// Setup the div container, canvas and play button
function addStyles(element, styles) { |
for (const name in styles) { |
element.style[name] = styles[name] |
} |
} |
this.container = element |
addStyles(this.container, { |
display: 'inline-block', |
position: 'relative', |
minWidth: '80px', |
minHeight: '80px' |
}) |
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas') |
this.canvas.width = 960 |
this.canvas.height = 540 |
addStyles(this.canvas, { |
display: 'block', |
width: '100%' |
}) |
this.container.appendChild(this.canvas) |
this.playButton = document.createElement('div') |
this.playButton.innerHTML = VideoElement.PLAY_BUTTON |
addStyles(this.playButton, { |
zIndex: 2, |
position: 'absolute', |
top: '0', |
bottom: '0', |
left: '0', |
right: '0', |
maxWidth: '75px', |
maxHeight: '75px', |
margin: 'auto', |
opacity: '0.7', |
cursor: 'pointer' |
}) |
this.container.appendChild(this.playButton) |
// Parse the data-options - we try to decode the values as json. This way
// we can get proper boolean and number values. If JSON.parse() fails,
// treat it as a string.
const options = { canvas: this.canvas } |
for (const option in element.dataset) { |
try { |
options[option] = JSON.parse(element.dataset[option]) |
} catch (err) { |
options[option] = element.dataset[option] |
} |
} |
// Create the player instance
this.player = new Player(url, options) |
element.playerInstance = this.player |
// Setup the poster element, if any
if (options.poster && !options.autoplay && !this.player.options.streaming) { |
options.decodeFirstFrame = false |
this.poster = new Image() |
this.poster.src = options.poster |
this.poster.addEventListener('load', this.posterLoaded) |
addStyles(this.poster, { |
display: 'block', |
zIndex: 1, |
position: 'absolute', |
top: 0, |
left: 0, |
bottom: 0, |
right: 0 |
}) |
this.container.appendChild(this.poster) |
} |
// Add the click handler if this video is pausable
if (!this.player.options.streaming) { |
this.container.addEventListener('click', this.onClick.bind(this)) |
} |
// Hide the play button if this video immediately begins playing
if (options.autoplay || this.player.options.streaming) { |
this.playButton.style.display = 'none' |
} |
// Set up the unlock audio buton for iOS devices. iOS only allows us to
// play audio after a user action has initiated playing. For autoplay or
// streaming players we set up a muted speaker icon as the button. For all
// others, we can simply use the play button.
if (this.player.audioOut && !this.player.audioOut.unlocked) { |
let unlockAudioElement = this.container |
if (options.autoplay || this.player.options.streaming) { |
this.unmuteButton = document.createElement('div') |
this.unmuteButton.innerHTML = VideoElement.UNMUTE_BUTTON |
addStyles(this.unmuteButton, { |
zIndex: 2, |
position: 'absolute', |
bottom: '10px', |
right: '20px', |
width: '75px', |
height: '75px', |
margin: 'auto', |
opacity: '0.7', |
cursor: 'pointer' |
}) |
this.container.appendChild(this.unmuteButton) |
unlockAudioElement = this.unmuteButton |
} |
this.unlockAudioBound = this.onUnlockAudio.bind(this, unlockAudioElement) |
unlockAudioElement.addEventListener( |
'touchstart', |
this.unlockAudioBound, |
false |
) |
unlockAudioElement.addEventListener('click', this.unlockAudioBound, true) |
} |
} |
onUnlockAudio(element, ev) { |
if (this.unmuteButton) { |
ev.preventDefault() |
ev.stopPropagation() |
} |
this.player.audioOut.unlock( |
function() { |
if (this.unmuteButton) { |
this.unmuteButton.style.display = 'none' |
} |
element.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.unlockAudioBound) |
element.removeEventListener('click', this.unlockAudioBound) |
}.bind(this) |
) |
} |
onClick(ev) { |
if (this.player.isPlaying) { |
this.player.pause() |
this.playButton.style.display = 'block' |
} else { |
this.player.play() |
this.playButton.style.display = 'none' |
if (this.poster) { |
this.poster.style.display = 'none' |
} |
} |
} |
static PLAY_BUTTON = |
'<svg style="max-width: 75px; max-height: 75px;" ' + |
'viewBox="0 0 200 200" alt="Play video">' + |
'<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="90" fill="none" ' + |
'stroke-width="15" stroke="#fff"/>' + |
'<polygon points="70, 55 70, 145 145, 100" fill="#fff"/>' + |
'</svg>' |
static UNMUTE_BUTTON = |
'<svg style="max-width: 75px; max-height: 75px;" viewBox="0 0 75 75">' + |
'<polygon class="audio-speaker" stroke="none" fill="#fff" ' + |
'points="39,13 22,28 6,28 6,47 21,47 39,62 39,13"/>' + |
'<g stroke="#fff" stroke-width="5">' + |
'<path d="M 49,50 69,26"/>' + |
'<path d="M 69,50 49,26"/>' + |
'</g>' + |
'</svg>' |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ |
/* eslint-disable */ |
import Source from './source' |
export default class WASM { |
constructor() { |
this.stackSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 // emscripten default
this.pageSize = 64 * 1024 // wasm page size
this.onInitCallback = null |
this.ready = false |
} |
write(buffer) { |
this.loadFromBuffer(buffer, this.onInitCallback) |
} |
loadFromFile(url, callback) { |
this.onInitCallback = callback |
const ajax = new Source.Ajax(url, {}) |
ajax.connect(this) |
ajax.start() |
} |
loadFromBuffer(buffer, callback) { |
this.moduleInfo = this.readDylinkSection(buffer) |
if (!this.moduleInfo) { |
this.callback && this.callback(null) |
return |
} |
this.memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 256 }) |
const env = { |
memory: this.memory, |
memoryBase: 0, |
__memory_base: 0, |
table: new WebAssembly.Table({ |
initial: this.moduleInfo.tableSize, |
element: 'anyfunc' |
}), |
tableBase: 0, |
__table_base: 0, |
abort: this.c_abort.bind(this), |
___assert_fail: this.c_assertFail.bind(this), |
_sbrk: this.c_sbrk.bind(this) |
} |
this.brk = this.align(this.moduleInfo.memorySize + this.stackSize) |
WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, { env: env }).then( |
function(results) { |
this.instance = results.instance |
if (this.instance.exports.__post_instantiate) { |
this.instance.exports.__post_instantiate() |
} |
this.createHeapViews() |
this.ready = true |
callback && callback(this) |
}.bind(this) |
) |
} |
createHeapViews() { |
this.instance.heapU8 = new Uint8Array(this.memory.buffer) |
this.instance.heapU32 = new Uint32Array(this.memory.buffer) |
this.instance.heapF32 = new Float32Array(this.memory.buffer) |
} |
align(addr) { |
const a = Math.pow(2, this.moduleInfo.memoryAlignment) |
return Math.ceil(addr / a) * a |
} |
c_sbrk(size) { |
const previousBrk = this.brk |
this.brk += size |
if (this.brk > this.memory.buffer.byteLength) { |
const bytesNeeded = this.brk - this.memory.buffer.byteLength |
const pagesNeeded = Math.ceil(bytesNeeded / this.pageSize) |
this.memory.grow(pagesNeeded) |
this.createHeapViews() |
} |
return previousBrk |
} |
c_abort(size) { |
console.warn('JSMPeg: WASM abort', arguments) |
} |
c_assertFail(size) { |
console.warn('JSMPeg: WASM ___assert_fail', arguments) |
} |
readDylinkSection(buffer) { |
// Read the WASM header and dylink section of the .wasm binary data
// to get the needed table size and static data size.
// https://github.com/WebAssembly/tool-conventions/blob/master/DynamicLinking.md
// https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/20602efb955a7c6c20865a495932427e205651d2/src/support.js
const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer) |
let next = 0 |
function readVarUint() { |
let ret = 0 |
let mul = 1 |
while (1) { |
const byte = bytes[next++] |
ret += (byte & 0x7f) * mul |
mul *= 0x80 |
if (!(byte & 0x80)) { |
return ret |
} |
} |
} |
function matchNextBytes(expected) { |
for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { |
const b = |
typeof expected[i] === 'string' |
? expected[i].charCodeAt(0) |
: expected[i] |
if (bytes[next++] !== b) { |
return false |
} |
} |
return true |
} |
// Make sure we have a wasm header
if (!matchNextBytes([0, 'a', 's', 'm'])) { |
console.warn('JSMpeg: WASM header not found') |
return null |
} |
// Make sure we have a dylink section
next = 9 |
const sectionSize = readVarUint() |
if (!matchNextBytes([6, 'd', 'y', 'l', 'i', 'n', 'k'])) { |
console.warn('JSMpeg: No dylink section found in WASM') |
return null |
} |
return { |
memorySize: readVarUint(), |
memoryAlignment: readVarUint(), |
tableSize: readVarUint(), |
tableAlignment: readVarUint() |
} |
} |
static IsSupported() { |
return !!window.WebAssembly |
} |
static GetModule() { |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
import WSSource from '../modules/source/websocket' |
export interface JSMpeg { |
Player(url, options: PlayerOptions): JSMpegPlayer |
} |
export interface PlayerOptions { |
/** 容器元素或选择器字符串 */ |
contianer: HTMLElement | string |
/** 用于视频渲染的HTML画布元素。如果没有给出,渲染器将创建自己的Canvas元素。 */ |
canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement |
/** 是否循环播放视频(仅静态文件)。默认true */ |
autoplay?: boolean |
/** 是否解码音频。默认true */ |
audio?: boolean |
/** 是否解码视频。默认true */ |
video?: boolean |
/** 一个图像的URL,用来在视频播放之前作为海报显示。 */ |
poster?: string |
/** 是否禁用后台播放,当TAB处于非活动状态时是否暂停播放。注意,浏览器通常会在非活动标签中限制JS。默认true */ |
pauseWhenHidden?: boolean |
/** 是否禁用WebGL,始终使用Canvas2D渲染器。默认.false */ |
disableGl?: boolean |
/** 是否禁用WebAssembly并始终使用JavaScript解码器。默认false */ |
disableWebAssembly?: boolean |
/** WebGL上下文是否创建-必要的“截图”通过。默认false */ |
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean |
/** 是否以块的形式加载数据(仅静态文件)。当启用时,回放可以在完整加载源之前开始 */ |
progressive?: boolean |
/** 使用时,当不需要回放时是否推迟加载块。默认=progressive */ |
throttled?: boolean |
/** 使用时,以字节为单位加载的块大小。默认(1 mb)1024*1024 */ |
chunkSize?: number |
/** 是否解码并显示视频的第一帧。设置画布大小和使用框架作为“海报”图像很有用。这在使用或流源时没有影响。默认true */ |
decodeFirstFrame?: boolean |
/** 流媒体时,以秒为单位的最大排队音频长度。 */ |
maxAudioLag?: number |
/** 流媒体时,视频解码缓冲区的字节大小。默认的512 * 1024 (512 kb)。对于非常高的比特率,您可能需要增加此值。 */ |
videoBufferSize?: string |
/** 流媒体时,音频解码缓冲区的字节大小。默认的128 * 1024 (128 kb)。对于非常高的比特率,您可能需要增加此值。 */ |
audioBufferSize?: string |
/** 在每个解码和渲染视频帧后调用的回调 */ |
onVideoDecode?: (decoder, time: number) => void |
/** 在每个解码音频帧之后调用的回调函数 */ |
onAudioDecode?: (decoder, time: number) => void |
/** 每当播放开始时调用的回调 */ |
onPlay?: (player: Player) => void |
/** 当回放暂停时(例如.pause()被调用或源程序结束时)调用的回调函数。 */ |
onPause?: (player: Player) => void |
/** 当回放到达源端时调用的回调函数(仅在loop=false时调用) */ |
onEnded?: (player: Player) => void |
/** 当没有足够的数据供回放时调用的回调 */ |
onStalled?: (player: Player) => void |
/** 当源首次接收到数据时调用的回调 */ |
onSourceEstablished?: (source: WSSource) => void |
/** 当源接收到所有数据时调用的回调 */ |
onSourceCompleted: (source: WSSource) => void |
/** 当onSourceStreamInterrupt触发后websocket第一次接收到流时触发 */ |
onSourceStreamContinue: (source: WSSource) => void |
/** 当websocket超过一定时间没有收到流时触发 */ |
onSourceStreamInterrupt: (source: WSSource) => void |
/** 当websocket连接上服务端时触发 */ |
onSourceConnected: (source: WSSource) => void |
/** 当websocket关闭后触发 */ |
onSourceClosed: (source: WSSource) => void |
/** 当获取到分辨率时触发 */ |
onResolutionDecode: (width: number, height: number) => void |
} |
export interface JSMpegPlayer { |
/** 只读,是否暂停播放 */ |
readonly paused: boolean |
/** 获取或设置音频音量(0-1) */ |
volume: number |
/** 以秒为单位获取或设置当前播放位置 */ |
currentTime: number |
startTime: number |
/** 开始播放 */ |
play(): void |
/** 暂停播放 */ |
pause(): void |
/** 停止回放,搜索开始 */ |
stop(): void |
/** 一个视频帧的提前播放。这并不解码音频。如果没有足够的数据,则返回成功 */ |
nextFrame(): void |
/** 停止播放,断开源和清理WebGL和WebAudio状态。该播放器将不能再使用。 */ |
destroy(): void |
video |
source |
renderer |
wasmModule |
audioOut |
audio |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
export function Now() { |
return window.performance |
? window.performance.now() / 1000 |
: Date.now() / 1000 |
} |
export function Fill(array, value) { |
if (array.fill) { |
array.fill(value) |
} else { |
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { |
array[i] = value |
} |
} |
} |
export function Base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) { |
const binary = window.atob(base64) |
const length = binary.length |
const bytes = new Uint8Array(length) |
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
bytes[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i) |
} |
return bytes.buffer |
} |
/** |
* |
* @param {object} param |
* @param {string|object|Array} param.data 数据,传入后url参数将被忽略 |
* @param {string} param.url 文件下载地址 |
* @param {string} param.name 文件名称 |
* @param {string} param.mimeType 文件mime类型 |
* @returns |
*/ |
export function saveToLocal( |
blob, |
name = 'JSMpeg_' + Date.now(), |
mimeType = '' |
) { |
if (!blob) return |
const a = document.createElement('a') |
a.style.display = 'none' |
a.download = name |
if (typeof blob === 'string') { |
a.href = blob |
} else { |
blob = |
blob instanceof Blob |
? blob |
: new Blob(blob instanceof Array ? blob : [blob], { |
type: mimeType |
}) |
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob) |
} |
setTimeout(() => { |
a.click() |
}, 0) |
setTimeout(() => { |
a.remove() |
}, 1) |
if (blob instanceof Blob) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
URL.revokeObjectURL(blob) |
}, 1000) |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue