3 changed files with 128 additions and 11 deletions
@ -1,15 +1,133 @@ |
<template> |
<div style="color:#fff"> |
出库 |
<div> |
<head-slot> |
<el-button size="mini" @click="handleOut"> |
<svg-icon icon-class="yichu-fanbai" class-name="svg-style" />出库</el-button> |
<el-input |
v-model="keyWord" |
size="small" |
clearable |
placeholder="请输入关键词" |
style="width: 300px;margin-left:0;padding-left:10px" |
class="input-prepend filter-item" |
@keyup.enter.native="crud.toQuery" |
> |
<el-select slot="prepend" v-model="optionVal" style="width: 100px"> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in options" |
:key="item.value" |
:label="item.label" |
:value="item.value" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-input> |
<rrOperation /> |
<!-- <button @click="getTableData">测试按钮</button> --> |
</head-slot> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="table" |
style="width: 100%" |
height="calc(100vh - 355px)" |
:data="tableData" |
@row-click="clickRowHandler" |
@selection-change="selectionChangeHandler" |
> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" label="序号" align="center" width="80" /> |
<el-table-column type="childrenNum" label="子条目数" align="center" width="90" /> |
<el-table-column type="categoryGrade" label="门类级别" align="center" width="100" /> |
<el-table-column type="" label="档号" align="center" min-width="200" /> |
<el-table-column type="" label="题名" align="center" min-width="200" /> |
<el-table-column type="" label="保密程度" align="center" width="100" /> |
<el-table-column type="" label="部门" align="center" width="100" /> |
<el-table-column prop="fieldName" align="center" label="盒名称" width="150" /> |
<el-table-column prop="storagePath" align="center" label="所在位置" width="250" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="operationTime" label="创建时间" width="200" /> |
</el-table> |
<!-- 分页 --> |
<pagination /> |
<!-- 出库弹框 --> |
<el-dialog title="出库" :visible.sync="msgVisible"> |
<span class="dialog-right-top" /> |
<span class="dialog-left-bottom" /> |
<div class="setting-dialog"> |
<p>确定将当前选中的档案全部出库?</p> |
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="handleConfirm">确认</el-button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import headSlot from '../../lendManage/components/headSlot.vue' |
import data1 from '../data1.json' |
import rrOperation from '@crud/RR.operation' |
import CRUD, { presenter, crud } from '@crud/crud' |
import pagination from '@crud/Pagination' |
export default { |
components: { headSlot, rrOperation, pagination }, |
mixins: [presenter(), crud()], |
cruds() { |
return CRUD({ |
url: 'api/case/initCaseList', |
// crudMethod: caseCrudMethod, |
title: '档案盒', |
optShow: {} |
}) |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
msgVisible: false, |
keyWord: '', |
optionVal: '盒名称', |
selections: [], |
options: [ |
{ value: '选项5', label: '盒名称' }, |
{ value: '选项6', label: '条形码' }, |
{ value: '选项7', label: 'TID' }, |
{ value: '选项8', label: '所在位置' } |
] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getData() |
}, |
methods: { |
getData() { |
this.tableData = data1.rows |
}, |
clickRowHandler(row) { |
this.$refs.table.toggleRowSelection(row) // 单击选中 |
}, |
selectionChangeHandler(val) { |
this.selections = val |
// console.log(val, '-----') |
}, |
// 出库 |
handleOut() { |
if (this.selections.length > 0) { |
this.msgVisible = true |
} else { |
this.$message({ |
message: '请选择档案', |
type: 'warning' |
}) |
} |
}, |
handleConfirm() { |
this.msgVisible = false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "~@/assets/styles/archives-manage.scss"; |
@import '~@/assets/styles/lend-manage.scss'; |
.setting-dialog{ |
color: #fff; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue